
Review Detail of Marshall0lee in I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

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I like the idea of a system and talent copy, and I expected more from this, after all, this is highlighted in the synopsis. I don't know for sure, but I read 30 chapters and in those 30 only 3 did the system appear. (It's okay that the story doesn't revolve around the system, but it's still a pillar of history, the source of the MC's power, the golden finger, that's revolting.) The author also likes to repeat about how the former director is bad and that, about how this and that is. The author's choice regarding levels/classification is, in simple words, chaotic, there is no line of reasoning. He just chose big and dangerous names, monsters having 2 classification systems, which was unnecessary. In stories, the classification system follows a standard in order to facilitate memorization and understanding for readers, this author didn't care about that. I find all the monologues and events uninteresting, as I said, repetition and exaggeration prevail in the story, sometimes something interesting happens and the author doesn't even talk much about it (Example: The crack in the evaluation "stone", I wanted to know how much point he absorbed , as he used it, but the author doesn't even care to show that). This would get a maximum of 3 stars, but I'm irritated by the fact that the system showed up very little and wasted my time giving it a chance until chapter 30, so it goes 1 star.

I Can Copy And Evolve Talents


Beliebt bei 10 Personen




Simple, it only counts hours from the app and/or phone. Apparently, like me, he always uses the browser on his PC.

RighteousFilth:lol, I've got only one question for you. How did you read over two thousand books in just 1 hour twenty minutes?

lol, I've got only one question for you. How did you read over two thousand books in just 1 hour twenty minutes?


thank you

AncestorDuck:Simple, it only counts hours from the app and/or phone. Apparently, like me, he always uses the browser on his PC.

Same, at the start I was using the app on my tablet for about a month. Then I got a computer and started using the browser since I can't download the app on it. It has been more than a year now,

AncestorDuck:Simple, it only counts hours from the app and/or phone. Apparently, like me, he always uses the browser on his PC.

Yikes author didn’t even respond to the legitimate questions that every reader has. I got frustrated and came to the reviews to see if I was not alone and it seems many share the same problem.


Correct my friend. This author responds wholeheartedly to gloating reviews about his work, but leaves authentic criticism and negative opinions in the dark. If a restaurant has a full house one day, but none of the customers ever come back for another meal-what would that tell them? It’s the same as writing a novel. If your readers don’t come back and read the new chapters, it means there’s something wrong. Author needs to get off his high horse and start taking criticism seriously.

TwinkieXO:Yikes author didn’t even respond to the legitimate questions that every reader has. I got frustrated and came to the reviews to see if I was not alone and it seems many share the same problem.

Sincerely speaking, I just got a system and I just started reading through the comments, there's little I can do with just a mobile phone. I sincerely apologize, I honestly try to reply to all reviews and some I feel needs no reply because unlike me, reader's view are finite, they are limited to the number of chapters available, but in my head there are already tons of chapters and I'm feeling like, how can I make it understood to this person without having to literally explain out the whole story, but at the same time, I really try to reply whenever I can. I'm sorry

TwinkieXO:Yikes author didn’t even respond to the legitimate questions that every reader has. I got frustrated and came to the reviews to see if I was not alone and it seems many share the same problem.

I do take criticism seriously though, I don't know if telling someone to drop a book they poured so much time and effort into is criticism of just people being mean. But yes, I am open to people's views about my book and currently even planning how to re-edit first thirty to fifty chapters with an editor after I'm done with mass release. I started on my own but I figured I needed an editor to make it fast. I sincerely apologize if I have come off as rude and unpleasant in any way

novelmeister:Correct my friend. This author responds wholeheartedly to gloating reviews about his work, but leaves authentic criticism and negative opinions in the dark. If a restaurant has a full house one day, but none of the customers ever come back for another meal-what would that tell them? It’s the same as writing a novel. If your readers don’t come back and read the new chapters, it means there’s something wrong. Author needs to get off his high horse and start taking criticism seriously.

I'll start first by explaining my choice of classification, while it was inspired by SS, I wanted to create a classification system that gave an enormous room for growth but still kept the monster within a certain power level as compared to the other rank, but most importantly introducing an element of variability. The system also is a boring system, its the kind of system that goes straight to the point nothing more nothing less, compared to other system you read in several novels, I'd say this one is more of a programmed thing...very very boring. As for the repetition, I think that's a fault on my part, I'm not that great of a writer but I take criticism seriously and really want to become better. Also, I'm sorry if I sounded rude, I asked that question because I was actually curious. I didn't know there was a reply already


Thank you for the response. No author, your novel or responses are not coming off as rude. You shouldn’t interpret readers’ criticism like that. We are being honest in saying that genuine negative opinions, at least before now, were being ignored by you while you responded to positive opinions. Whether it be because you didn’t have a phone or whatever the sort, it doesn’t really matter. The point is that you responded to positive reviews and not negative ones. And as for the suggestion to drop your book, I did make that suggestion because I believe it’s a good one. This book doesn’t carry anything special or exceptional out of the norm and it would be better to use your experience from this novel to write something purely unique in nature on this platform. I also made the suggestion for you to acquire an editor and redo the beginning chapters. Since it seems you want to go that route, so be it, but I believe starting something fresh is a more prosperous choice.

RighteousFilth:I do take criticism seriously though, I don't know if telling someone to drop a book they poured so much time and effort into is criticism of just people being mean. But yes, I am open to people's views about my book and currently even planning how to re-edit first thirty to fifty chapters with an editor after I'm done with mass release. I started on my own but I figured I needed an editor to make it fast. I sincerely apologize if I have come off as rude and unpleasant in any way

It's pleasing to see you didn't abandon the book. Thumbs up man and wishing you success with the novel as well.

RighteousFilth:I do take criticism seriously though, I don't know if telling someone to drop a book they poured so much time and effort into is criticism of just people being mean. But yes, I am open to people's views about my book and currently even planning how to re-edit first thirty to fifty chapters with an editor after I'm done with mass release. I started on my own but I figured I needed an editor to make it fast. I sincerely apologize if I have come off as rude and unpleasant in any way