
Review Detail of Talia_Carcosa in Chaos Energy System

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This novel is, in a word, fantastic. Despite its, currently, short length it’s likely the most well put together story I’ve seen on this website. The pacing is incredibly well done, nothing feels rushed but neither does it drag at any point. The side characters feel like they actually have personalities and a point to their existence beyond one time plot points. The world feels well thought out and constructed, and yet we aren’t given everything about it right out the gate, instead it feels like we are discovering it with the MC at a natural pace. Speaking of the MC his development is also very well paced. He’s not so weak at the beginning as to be utterly boring, but neither is he so strong it makes every encounter feel like a tedious forgone conclusion. Personality wise he’s also one of the better constructed protag a I’ve come across. He actually makes sense, rather than being insufferably idiotic for the sake of ridiculously lazy plot progression (for that alone I’d give the book a 5*). He learns, he develops both power and personality wise, and the mistakes he makes are realistic. All in all the author has done an exceedingly exceptional job, and I cannot recommend this book enough. I’m very eagerly anticipating more.

Chaos Energy System


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Thanks a lot for the Review, I'd love to pin it but it seems you used a shadow banned word. Hence why it also doesn't show up on the book, which is quite unfortunate as I'd have loved for it to be visible. Anyways, thanks again for the insightful analysis.


Huh crazy. I have no idea what word it could be.

The_Forgotten_:Thanks a lot for the Review, I'd love to pin it but it seems you used a shadow banned word. Hence why it also doesn't show up on the book, which is quite unfortunate as I'd have loved for it to be visible. Anyways, thanks again for the insightful analysis.