
Review Detail of Infamous_Puppet in Spider-Man Mayhem

Details zur Rezension


What's wrong with Spider-Man fanfic authors having a harem? It's so out of character for me that I can't read most of these fanfics.

Spider-Man Mayhem


Beliebt bei 6 Personen




Spiderman is probably the most underrated and selfless heroes of marvel and dc combined. he has endured more loss and heartbreak than any other heroes of the 2 biggest superhero franchises. Stan Lee brought to life a truly amazing character with an incredible amount of potential, and as fanfiction writers we find him much more attractive than most other heroes or villains for that matter. maybe you r right in saying having a harem is out of character for spiderman, but look at it this way: tony stark and Peter Parker r the only 2 characters who can have a harem. but tony stark is already a character that is around 80% complete, flaws and all; but spiderman? well we fanfiction authors have barely scratched 50% of his true potential. besides, u take a look at a few of the best heroines in marvel and tell me they wouldn't be better off with a really well written spidey character compared to their og partners; even if they r in a harem


Because he deserve it


idk thats why its a FANfiction, fans dictate how their Fiction develops, hell if they want a gay spiderman they could make it their own, Dude this culture go way back in the 2010s, its nothing new if you want a comic accurate spiderman go read the Comics instead