
Review Detail of Garland in Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

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The story is above average and while the structure and writing of the story is fine, it has just certain elements that doesn't make it completely enjoyable. I do find the pacing of the story very slow and i get it that its not really a full plot or action heavy story but just reading it feels slow overall. While it has a basic system, my one issue is the Affection System. I really don't like Affection as a part of the system as its a form of manipulation of the female character's feelings and instead of having a genuine relationship that is built, it feels like the system is manipulating their feelings for the MC by making them like MC. Heck, he already has a trait or perk that makes female character like the MC faster.

Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP


Beliebt bei 8 Personen




Well, it is what it is, can't do anything about it. but I think MC is a good guy(for now at least~) Anyways, Thanks for the review!