
Review Detail of Tim_QQQ in Kal Son of Odin

Details zur Rezension


I read this fic on ff.net a little while ago so I thought id leave my opinion.. The story is quite slow, at least until Kal starts doing stuff on modern day earth.. So unless you're in for the long haul id probably avoid this. Also, the crossover goes beyond just Kal-El and other Kryptonians, there are other DC characters both evil and good. I went into this novel with the impression of it just being the marvel universe + Kryptonians, but later found (an hour into reading) that other dc villains and what not start showing up making it a much more complicated crossover AU universe. I personally thought it would be more interesting to just have Kryptonians and didn't read much past the intro to lex luthor (a non canon lex that can hack into tony starks tech?). It wasn't for me and thought I should point that out.

Kal Son of Odin


Beliebt bei 5 Personen




and Lex DNA thing is Soo forced lol, and hes strength just feels Soo nerfed, like he's a warrior and 1500 years old why does he feel weaker than man of steel superman.