
Review Detail of Photosphere in Marvel: The Multiversal Brawl

Details zur Rezension


Self-written review. I'll give a little bit of a summary of the story. It is a marvel-centered, unconventional multiverse story. It is not a chat or a system. Basically, it is a battle tournament between characters from different universes in which lots are thrown to determine who invades and who gets invaded. The invader has the playground advantage but risks having their world destroyed in the battle. The invader also has the right to take his entourage alongside him, so each round is a full-blown war between two contestants. For example, Aizen (Bleach) vs Meruem (HxH) is based in HxH, where Aizen takes alongside him all of his Espada, and the winner moves to the next round. Just an example. Naturally, as with all my stories, it has romance and is a harem, too, although I'll try not to give it as much focus. - MC has OP power from the start but will devise ways to unravel how it works and his capabilities. - He's also Tony Stark's (Ironman) illegitimate son. - The main Heroines are Emma Frost and Jean Grey. - The first world MC will go to is Stellar Blade.

Marvel: The Multiversal Brawl


Beliebt bei 5 Personen




haha stellar blade , I like it ....



Deadrule_vivek:haha stellar blade , I like it ....

hello i have a problem when i went back to Discord, i said i got banned on a lot of severs and when i looked, it was for posting, not save for work contact If duo, i never did that and when i looked at my history, it said i was online 2 hours ago in the US and i don't live in the US. i believe i got hacked


expect tons of unnecessary drama, seriously too much. Also, the range of powers of the main character is tied to the fact that he is a dummy/soulless machine. I've always been dubious about this choice for writing a main character, especially if it's a harem.


Just because it’s you I’m going to give it a try