
Review Detail of Spearow0 in Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

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Add the link to ff.net while you don't catch up with that, btw, you are the author, right? you are not just some guy with a random account pretending to be the author and stealing content, right?

Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




Hey there Spearow0! Yes, I am the author, and I am now posting it here since lately both AOE3 and FFN had moments where they were unavailable several times recently, kind of worried honestly. I already tried the import of the novel entirely, but it seems it doesn't work well, so I am putting one chapter a day and it will quickly catch up to FFN and AOE3.


Great to know man, try to put them in qq or spacebattles if problems start to happening here in web novel as well

LittleMarie:Hey there Spearow0! Yes, I am the author, and I am now posting it here since lately both AOE3 and FFN had moments where they were unavailable several times recently, kind of worried honestly. I already tried the import of the novel entirely, but it seems it doesn't work well, so I am putting one chapter a day and it will quickly catch up to FFN and AOE3.

Already have it in QQ, but the problem with that is that doesn't appear in Google search since the content is behind a login on that forum.

Spearow0:Great to know man, try to put them in qq or spacebattles if problems start to happening here in web novel as well