
Review Detail of ELLOMYGELLO in Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey

Details zur Rezension


This is a great story so far (Ch.12) the start is a little slow and the Mc seems unlikeable but it changes over the course of the next few chapters. All in all the story is greatly written and is a good read besides the Mc’s cringe worthy name. P.s. The mc’s starter is a love interest

Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




Glad you like it! Can I ask what aspects made the MC unlikable at the beginning? I want to make sure I get them addressed in his character development. I thought the MC was "an innocent teenager, prideful, nerdy and weak" -- A realistic depiction of modern teenagers, I thought. And I hope I managed to get rid of "innocent and weak" within the first arc.


It was the great lack of knowledge and his cowardice that he his currently working his way through if he was reading as much as you said he should of known more about Pokemon

BenisBoy14:Glad you like it! Can I ask what aspects made the MC unlikable at the beginning? I want to make sure I get them addressed in his character development. I thought the MC was "an innocent teenager, prideful, nerdy and weak" -- A realistic depiction of modern teenagers, I thought. And I hope I managed to get rid of "innocent and weak" within the first arc.

It's his incompetence and cowardice he's garbage as is if he studied or read as much as you claimed he did he wouldn't ge so pathetic and his name is just off putting it's too cringy for a name honestly this ficnshows promise butnit has glaring issues

BenisBoy14:Glad you like it! Can I ask what aspects made the MC unlikable at the beginning? I want to make sure I get them addressed in his character development. I thought the MC was "an innocent teenager, prideful, nerdy and weak" -- A realistic depiction of modern teenagers, I thought. And I hope I managed to get rid of "innocent and weak" within the first arc.