
Review Detail of YunokRyuk in Lord of Sins - (Lord of Mysteries)

Details zur Rezension


Hey there, Author here. I'm writing this review to talk a bit of what this story is about. This book is based on Lord of Mysteries and Circle of Inevitability, and it starts on the same day as Klein's story begins. The novel will have a faster pace than Lord of Mysteries, but I'll still give many details of the scenes and explain everything as well as I can. As the novel progresses, so will the protagonist. His character and personality will suffer constant changes along the book, every one explained. Speaking of the protagonist, I should directly say that he will not be a hero of any kind. His actions will always be antihero at best and very villainous at worst. He won't be stupidly strong from the beginning, but his cheat will give him truly ridiculous advantages. I don't yet know if I'll write about romance in this novel, but it'll probably not happen for reasons you'll know when you read it. I think that's it. Thank you very much for all the support you give this fanfiction in advance, hope you enjoy your reading! 🐱😸😺

Lord of Sins - (Lord of Mysteries)


Beliebt bei 8 Personen




Sorry. I've been having too many things to solve lately

TheComedy_Mask:author where are you man come back

I believe adding a romance to the story, preferably in the later stages, would truly elevate the overall narrative. However, I respect your decisions, and whether you choose to include it or not, rest assured, I will eagerly read your work. The plot has already piqued my interest.


Thanks, let's see how things unfold! Thank you very much for your words! 😺

streiz:I believe adding a romance to the story, preferably in the later stages, would truly elevate the overall narrative. However, I respect your decisions, and whether you choose to include it or not, rest assured, I will eagerly read your work. The plot has already piqued my interest.

i hope you don't mix romance in this. there's no need for romance in an action based evil protagonist novel, it'll only work as obstacle to his power development nothing else.

YunokRyuk:Thanks, let's see how things unfold! Thank you very much for your words! 😺

Well, I think the same. However, there should be ways to go around it. Let's see how things unfold. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 😸😸

RealityBender:i hope you don't mix romance in this. there's no need for romance in an action based evil protagonist novel, it'll only work as obstacle to his power development nothing else.

Hello author, I hope that this novel doesn't have romance, like the person above me commented, most of the LOTM fanfic here definitely has romance and that spoils the LOTM atmosphere a bit and I personally don't like novels that smell of romance, especially if it's an action novel where the main character is an anti-hero, of course it really disturbs the development of the character, that's just my opinion. Hehe🙏🏻


It's very improbable that there'd gonna be romance. And if there is, I won't force it up so that everything adds up, I won't ever make him regain his humanity for a lover or make the lover change him in any way. 😺😺😺

Angelleevrncc:Hello author, I hope that this novel doesn't have romance, like the person above me commented, most of the LOTM fanfic here definitely has romance and that spoils the LOTM atmosphere a bit and I personally don't like novels that smell of romance, especially if it's an action novel where the main character is an anti-hero, of course it really disturbs the development of the character, that's just my opinion. Hehe🙏🏻

Hey dude I love the story but why exactly did you make him a hermaphrodite is it a choice or something not judging just asking cause it is a bit weird you have to admit


Because I wanted him to have all Beyonder powers, and that's the only way I found to keep things concise. It's also a strategy to show the protagonist's lack of humanity. Thanks for reading! 😺😺😺

Joanjudo:Hey dude I love the story but why exactly did you make him a hermaphrodite is it a choice or something not judging just asking cause it is a bit weird you have to admit

Angelleevrncc:Hello author, I hope that this novel doesn't have romance, like the person above me commented, most of the LOTM fanfic here definitely has romance and that spoils the LOTM atmosphere a bit and I personally don't like novels that smell of romance, especially if it's an action novel where the main character is an anti-hero, of course it really disturbs the development of the character, that's just my opinion. Hehe🙏🏻

s7 demoness turns him into a woman and s4 of red priest woman into a man if a demoness takes the s4 she will a hermaphrodite

Joanjudo:Hey dude I love the story but why exactly did you make him a hermaphrodite is it a choice or something not judging just asking cause it is a bit weird you have to admit

when update


I'll try posting today, I don't know if I will be able to do it though.

SEEKER:when update

imma give a review now because i forgot

YunokRyuk:I'll try posting today, I don't know if I will be able to do it though.

Thank you very much then!

SEEKER:imma give a review now because i forgot

when's arc 2 coming


I'm going through terrible problens in my life right now. I always try to find the time to write, but things aren't working out. I don't know when I can post the next chapter, I barely know if I'll be okay in the near future or not. I really can't give you a definitive answer, sorry for that.

RealityBender:when's arc 2 coming

nah i hope you won't add any romance man

YunokRyuk:Thanks, let's see how things unfold! Thank you very much for your words! 😺

author where are you man come back


hey author you didn't drop did you i hope not


I have not. Just can't find the time to write rn.

TheComedy_Mask:hey author you didn't drop did you i hope not