
Review Detail of tt_g in Ronald Weasley: I have a Choice System

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Eight chapters in and I’m confident the author has never read Harry Potter. First, the mc sets up a magic repair shop, IN THE WIZARDING WORLD, with the reparo spell, which is a basic spell I’m pretty sure you learn in your first year of hogwarts. If it was on the non-magical side then maybe, but in the wizarding world? Yea no. Also he really said 50 sickles is 10 dollars and a galleon is 50 dollars. For any Harry Potter fans, (or even regular readers who’s read Harry Potter before), this is really wrong. I don’t know if it’s the au or author screwed up, since I can’t find him addressing it anywhere. If it’s the latter then it’s really disappointing…

Ronald Weasley: I have a Choice System


Beliebt bei 20 Personen




I literally wrote in the synopsis that this would be an alternate reality where I would change information about the wizarding world. I advised that if you weren't willing to open your mind, then don't read the fanfic. If you haven't read this, I can't help it.


Wow, I'm sorry we're unable to change our minds regarding basic information that a broken chair can be fixed by WIZARDS carrying WANDS...

Toruu:I literally wrote in the synopsis that this would be an alternate reality where I would change information about the wizarding world. I advised that if you weren't willing to open your mind, then don't read the fanfic. If you haven't read this, I can't help it.

OK <3 [img=recommend]

OutofideasLOL:Wow, I'm sorry we're unable to change our minds regarding basic information that a broken chair can be fixed by WIZARDS carrying WANDS...