
Review Detail of JOESMO in Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

Details zur Rezension


Writing Quality -- 5 stars The writing is actually good. There are barely any mistakes and the ones that the author does make they won't stop you getting immersed in the story. Updates -- 5 stars The author updates everyday and the one time he missed a update he was hanging out with his friends which is reasonable and the next day he updated the fanfic twice in one day. Story development -- Idk yet When writing this there are only 13 chapters so it is too early to tell but the story is also good and will keep you interested because of the different elements you normally wouldn't get because this takes place in spider verse and don't worry there is no forced thing going on in the story (as of chapter 13). Character -- 4.5 I wanted to give a 4.5 for the character but as I'm writing this on my laptop it won't let me give it a half star so pretend the star is 4.5. Anyway the only thing that might annoy a small amount of readers is mc. Its not like the mc is bad or anything its just that for some of you people that like serious mc might get annoyed because he gets back at his bullies with his powers (Only for one chapter). However, I honestly find the mc fun to read about and find it good because it builds his character. The Mc is also logical and doesn't do anything stupid. World background -- 5 stars I'm not going to say much because I don't want to spoil it but its definitely interesting. And honestly the other idiots giving this a 1 star review are dumb I mean one complained the grammar was bad but he's French and of course when reading through google translate its going to be bad and the other guy says he gets random powers but that is false as he makes some stuff through chemistry and biology and get powers that actually makes sense. The other one talks about there is no story but obviously there isn't going to be much because its been 13 chapters. Anyway I'm done with ranting this fanfic is actually good and I enjoy it and you should give it a try. Oh yeah I forgot to add, this isn't going to be haram.

Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger


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