
Review Detail of ridokou_naruto in Crystal Sage Naruto

Details zur Rezension


The Concept is good But There is alot you need to Work on Like the World Back ground the Concept for these new Characters Appearing out of Nowhere And Most Importantly the Story It seems like your Skipping so much and yet giving so little and That Doesn't make much of a Story your Trying to Portray But i would say Restart this Give it more Thought and Better Flesh out the Characters And the Story but it does have some Serious Potential to be Great.

Crystal Sage Naruto


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate your honesty and suggestions. It seems like there are a few areas that need improvement, such as the world background, character development, and the story's pacing. I'll definitely take your advice to heart and consider starting over to give it more thought and flesh out the characters and story. It's encouraging to know that you see potential in the concept, and I'll work on making it even better. Thanks again for your input!


I am Glad i Could help in anyway i can👍

kubaK:Thanks for your feedback! I appreciate your honesty and suggestions. It seems like there are a few areas that need improvement, such as the world background, character development, and the story's pacing. I'll definitely take your advice to heart and consider starting over to give it more thought and flesh out the characters and story. It's encouraging to know that you see potential in the concept, and I'll work on making it even better. Thanks again for your input!

Thanks for your input and support! I'll use your feedback for my new project. Excited to make it better with your help. Thanks!

ridokou_naruto:I am Glad i Could help in anyway i can👍