
Review Detail of Dieudonner_17 in Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

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I’m confused It’s either he’s a pedophile or maybe it’s a translating error and she’s at least 16 years older Maybe she gave birth at ten💀💀💀💀

Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

A Small Purple Umbrella

Beliebt bei 84 Personen




i think the daughter is not her real daughter, probably her late sister or any of her family's. the daughter probably thought because of her the mother can't find a partner hence the blind date


It says that the mother is 10 years older than him, and that he was with the ex-girlfriend in college. So let’s say that mc is 5 years older than the ex, and the mother gave birth at 15. Mc could have been like 23 and the ex 18 when they met in college.


it's probably 'more than 10' which could be any age, maybe an idiom or a missed character年长十岁 ten years older年长十多岁 more than/over ten years older

jonathanparish0:It says that the mother is 10 years older than him, and that he was with the ex-girlfriend in college. So let’s say that mc is 5 years older than the ex, and the mother gave birth at 15. Mc could have been like 23 and the ex 18 when they met in college.

The mum is 36 The MC is 26 (according to the synopsis) if the mum had her daughter at 16 she would be 20 now MC at collage 18-21 (5 years ago) So the oldest the daughter could have been when they date would be 15years old So either the the synopsis is wrong The MC is a pedo or the Mum got Pregnant at 14 or younger


His Ex father :


These type of CNs can get really ridiculous, I remember reading a CN where MC goes out with his ex-boss mother, she's 54 years old, describe as beauty. The Chinese comment section made me laugh, so much energy at that age? I've also been seeing a CN trend where MC takes his brother wife. (Have no idea what is about)


I think it's, mom(36) > mc(20) > ex(18)

empire1:The mum is 36 The MC is 26 (according to the synopsis) if the mum had her daughter at 16 she would be 20 now MC at collage 18-21 (5 years ago) So the oldest the daughter could have been when they date would be 15years old So either the the synopsis is wrong The MC is a pedo or the Mum got Pregnant at 14 or younger

The mother is probably like most women who refuse to accept their age. I have known more than a few that report their age as 29 the rest of their life.


isn't it because he's now her stepfather ?


Age of Consent in China.The age of consent in mainland China is 14 years old. China's two special administrative regions, Macau and Hong Kong, have their own local age of consent laws. Like China, Macau's age of consent is 14 years old. The age of consent in Hong Kong is 16 years old.


maybe his ex was younger than him. or maybe she's adopted


Did they update the synopsis ?I don't see any ages

empire1:The mum is 36 The MC is 26 (according to the synopsis) if the mum had her daughter at 16 she would be 20 now MC at collage 18-21 (5 years ago) So the oldest the daughter could have been when they date would be 15years old So either the the synopsis is wrong The MC is a pedo or the Mum got Pregnant at 14 or younger

15 years old is legal though, so not pedo

empire1:The mum is 36 The MC is 26 (according to the synopsis) if the mum had her daughter at 16 she would be 20 now MC at collage 18-21 (5 years ago) So the oldest the daughter could have been when they date would be 15years old So either the the synopsis is wrong The MC is a pedo or the Mum got Pregnant at 14 or younger

Depends on the country It can be anything from 13 to 18 for the age of consent

darkestkhan:15 years old is legal though, so not pedo

It wouldn't be even if it wasn't legal. Pedophilia refers to having relations with prepubescent kids. As far as I'm aware, most kids have long gone through puberty at that age.

darkestkhan:15 years old is legal though, so not pedo

that's true. Nowadays you can't be sure that the woman that looks 20 is not in fact only 13. Always ask for age, even though it may be rude.

Unstable_One:It wouldn't be even if it wasn't legal. Pedophilia refers to having relations with prepubescent kids. As far as I'm aware, most kids have long gone through puberty at that age.

I've never understood that whole "never ask a girls age" thing in books/shows. Is that a cultural thing? I know the ages of nost of the girls I've interacted with, and none of them ever seemed to react strangely when asked about it. I'd assume only a girl with self confidence issues, or maybe someone looking for work, would actually care if someone asked (so long as they have at least a good relationship of course).

darkestkhan:that's true. Nowadays you can't be sure that the woman that looks 20 is not in fact only 13. Always ask for age, even though it may be rude.

don't ask me. This is western thing. It's stupid.

Unstable_One:I've never understood that whole "never ask a girls age" thing in books/shows. Is that a cultural thing? I know the ages of nost of the girls I've interacted with, and none of them ever seemed to react strangely when asked about it. I'd assume only a girl with self confidence issues, or maybe someone looking for work, would actually care if someone asked (so long as they have at least a good relationship of course).

all of you forgot that most Asian (and a few African and European) countries Men will have to do mandatory military service for 2-3 years before or during college (after if lucky), or public / government service (in Asian Countries) if they can pass the tests, so he could be 2 - 5 year older than the daughter.


How about the sauce?

ThyUnknownSaint:These type of CNs can get really ridiculous, I remember reading a CN where MC goes out with his ex-boss mother, she's 54 years old, describe as beauty. The Chinese comment section made me laugh, so much energy at that age? I've also been seeing a CN trend where MC takes his brother wife. (Have no idea what is about)