
Review Detail of DaoistlCOo3F in ALPHA VINCENT: His Mate's Last Dance

Details zur Rezension


The Story has so much potential, I just wished the FL was a lot stronger. The physical, sexual, mental and physical abuse the FL received from the ML was not acceptable. An unbearable amount of abuse towards the FL. If the ML lead was regretful and ashamed of his actions maybe the story would have been bearable. Nothing can redeem and put the ML in good light after everything his has done. PLEASE ABUSIVE MEN ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE!!! I’m starting to wonder if the other reviews are fake, if not Please seek help! .. To the author, I can see from your writing that you have great potential. Do better next time. I understand that the world of books allows many to jump into this fantasy land but never allow it to blind you to what is right or wrong. Clearly, this couple should have never been together. Anyway don't take my review to harshly I just can’t stand reading a woman be so severely abused by someone that supposed to protect her. Your novel is one of many novel that normalise the abuse of women.

ALPHA VINCENT: His Mate's Last Dance


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




Thank you . I'll see to your advice