
Review Detail of ToYourKnight in GAME DEVELOPER SYSTEM

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Its a fun story I'll be honest, However the author has put their fanfiction behind a paywall. Which at best is legally dubious and at worst grounds for webnovel itself to be sued by capcom.



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I think it's kind of sad that they said residual devil, but then just started saying resident evil like it didn't matter no more.

southgamez:the only thing the author changed is calling it Residual Devil: Village which isn't far off from Resident Evil: Village, and at some points in the story the author even refers to it as Resident Evil, so it's quite obvious there is no transformative work here

Let me explain, fanfiction is fair use as long as the work is transformative and noncommercial in nature. If Capcom can prove that this novel is fanfiction and isn't transformative and/or noncommercial, then they would have a lawsuit on their hands. If they did get into a lawsuit I would bet on Capcom winning, the author has not done enough work in changing all the copywrite(names of characters/games, references, Etc.) I would advise the author getting on top of this. Of course I am not an expert, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.


the only thing the author changed is calling it Residual Devil: Village which isn't far off from Resident Evil: Village, and at some points in the story the author even refers to it as Resident Evil, so it's quite obvious there is no transformative work here

VoteRat:Let me explain, fanfiction is fair use as long as the work is transformative and noncommercial in nature. If Capcom can prove that this novel is fanfiction and isn't transformative and/or noncommercial, then they would have a lawsuit on their hands. If they did get into a lawsuit I would bet on Capcom winning, the author has not done enough work in changing all the copywrite(names of characters/games, references, Etc.) I would advise the author getting on top of this. Of course I am not an expert, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.