
Review Detail of Iceswallowcome in Born in Blood

Details zur Rezension


This is more like an 'inspired' novel from⁷ "Birth Of the Demonic Sword" from the dragon fight to the guards teaching him, all of it. Being inspired by a novel and making your own base on that is completely fine, but getting completely influenced is also bad. Your novel just feels like another iteration of "BoDS" it's insane how similar it is. Just from reading this i already know you're a big fan of "BoDS" This is more like a fanfic than anything. Sorry but except for Writing Quality and Updating Stability, I'll give the others a one star. I hope you can carve your own mold someday.

Born in Blood


Beliebt bei 20 Personen




Sometimes people just want a fairly one dimensional character with no depth to them in the least and lots of killing

Vaylen:he is just an edgy king who only likes chatacters with no feelings and emotional development? June was necessary for Noah, both in grow of his strenght and emotions.

although I agree with some of your points, BotDS is a novel with 2364 chapters, while I'm barely at 225. You can't judge the entirety of the story just because the beginning was somewhat similar.


this author will not ruin story with romance like demonic sword(well i hope so)


he is just an edgy king who only likes chatacters with no feelings and emotional development? June was necessary for Noah, both in grow of his strenght and emotions.

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You are comparing that to trash, the romance still took part from the plot and the point is Noah himself is like a cardboard box, he doesn't feel alive, the romance is the author's attempt to humanise him and give him a personality but the point is the romance only masks the depth that was not developed,the lack of monologues, of Noah thinking about himself, questioning his ideals, just thinking, the novel lacks this a lotReverend insanity has this on steroids, you can't write a demonic mc who is just demonic because he just is, he must have a personality, he has to feel authentic and realBotds look like cardboard box compared to RI because of this.

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Point is Noah should have been developed with other things other than romance, developing hin with romance is removing the development a person should havedo you not develop yourself in real life? do you need to have a gf to develop? point is Noah never has monologues, he never thinks about things nor dreams about them, even when he speaks, he speaks little, he is action but no talk, he has dreams but you don't feel that edge of being his dream, his attachment to it and such...

Vaylen:he is just an edgy king who only likes chatacters with no feelings and emotional development? June was necessary for Noah, both in grow of his strenght and emotions.


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