
Review Detail of AngelFromSpace in Reverend Cultivation

Details zur Rezension


A touching homage to Reverend Insanity, and the author gives an admirable effort at replicating that immortal classic webnovel. Although it's not quite the same, I think it's a nice try! While the antihero's journey to achieve his ambitions can be compelling at times, some aspects feel too undeveloped and come across as a half-baked RI imitation. The overly edgy tone and heavy-handed philosophical musings may also come across as try-hard at times. Still, fans of cultivation stories with morally grey characters will likely find some entertainment value in following Louvain's lengthy journey. The plot moves at a decent pace and the protagonist's development, while somewhat cliched, shows glimpses of an interesting path of self-discovery amidst cruelty and self-interest. Overall, while not deeply original or memorable, this story shows promise for fans looking for an above-average tale of an antihero's ruthless pursuit of enlightenment through any means necessary. With some refinement and development of a more distinctive voice, future volumes could improve upon this and make it a unique work rather than just another book in this genre. Summary: The concept of pursuing an unattainable dream for 700 years has potential, though at times the edgy depiction of cruelty feels try-hard and the Mature MC who takes himself too seriously may come across as more comical than insightful. Still, fans of the genre will likely find something to enjoy in this standard tale that draws inspiration from classics of xianxia.

Reverend Cultivation


Beliebt bei 15 Personen




I see, so it's not there yet. I thought it was at least comparable to reverend insanity. Still, thank you for the review, it is helpful.