
Review Detail of Fuehrer in Unscientific Asgardian of Marvel

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Good story here man, but I must say that Yuri in the harem is actually NTR.. So I'm just gonna give you only 3 and half Star because of it (Sorry, ig?). Didn't mean to offend you or what, but I just doesn't understand why you have to add Yuri between the MC's girls. Is that your preference or something?? Cough* You don't have to answer me tho, cuz I don't really wanna know, and I have to respect your things..

Unscientific Asgardian of Marvel


Beliebt bei 5 Personen





Fuehrer:Yuri among the Harem is basically like the concept of allowing your womans to cheat on you, and even worse in front of you.. And you ignored/accepted it as if it were an ordinary day. I don't really know what to call it other than NTR lovers or in the specific words, mental disorders.. I'm sorry but I've to say that.

I don't think yuri among harem women is NTR, even more so if it's during the sexual act.


Yuri among the Harem is basically like the concept of allowing your womans to cheat on you, and even worse in front of you.. And you ignored/accepted it as if it were an ordinary day. I don't really know what to call it other than NTR lovers or in the specific words, mental disorders.. I'm sorry but I've to say that.


I don't agree, if my girls want to have some fun with each other than that's fine especially if I'm currently busy doing something and can't give them the attention they need and besides a harem would only work if all the girls can get along and if they are screwing each other than they're getting along, as long as they don't go for another man and I can join in their fun then it's not NTR

Fuehrer:Yuri among the Harem is basically like the concept of allowing your womans to cheat on you, and even worse in front of you.. And you ignored/accepted it as if it were an ordinary day. I don't really know what to call it other than NTR lovers or in the specific words, mental disorders.. I'm sorry but I've to say that.

It's up to you to have an opinion. But in my opinion, if I were faced with a situation like that (like being so busy that I don't have time for love), then I would never make a harem, because let's be a little more realistic here, as we know a harem requires "power", if you don't even have time for them, then why would you create something as troublesome as a harem. therefore, I'm better off having a partner, at least I won't have the mental burden by seeing my girls making out with each other behind my back, and also at least they have more freedom when they are become my partners rather than being part of a harem

Phoenix_King97:I don't agree, if my girls want to have some fun with each other than that's fine especially if I'm currently busy doing something and can't give them the attention they need and besides a harem would only work if all the girls can get along and if they are screwing each other than they're getting along, as long as they don't go for another man and I can join in their fun then it's not NTR

I completely agree with you, Yuri is NTR.