
Review Detail of Halvoc in Pokemon: Team Rocket's Uprising

Details zur Rezension


Hi, everyone! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my first piece of work, Pokemon: Team Rocket's Uprising (PTRU)! Just to clarify some things, the first couple chapters will be slow. The characters won't be one dimensional and as the story progresses, so will they and that will reflect in how they think, act and talk. Jax starts off the story as a 5 years old child. Now, I don't remember how I was at that age but I do know 5 years old don't talk coherently so bear in mind that he will have baby talk...(excessive use of Mommy and Daddy). This will gradually disappear as he grows older and then will no longer be an issue as he grows up. The story starts off slow and to speed things along, I will be time skipping certain parts of it. That being said, once the action comes, it will get dark as I will be portraying Team Rocket as an EVIL organization. Not just two humans and a walking, talking cat chasing after one trainer around all of his adventures but a full-fledged, 'I want to dominate the world' organization. Thanks to all of the readers so far.

Pokemon: Team Rocket's Uprising


Beliebt bei 6 Personen




Im all for it Also harem?


Harem or no? If so I don't want to waste time reading.


I thought he would join the Team Rocket lol but anyway I'll give it a try.