
Review Detail of DetachedDreamer in Hadrian in Narnia

Details zur Rezension


Spacing is terrible and the whole origin story is just so forced. Hermione taking Ron's side over a dumb argument would never happen and Dumbledore using the dumbest person in the world as a pawn just makes no sense, Ron couldn't keep that kind of secret and Hermione would of dropped him when she found out. can't get passed it. gave it a 4/5 just because I couldn't read past the first chapter and the story might have developed into a decent story after such a bad start.

Hadrian in Narnia


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




This fanfic, we can create whatever we want.


This review Is one of the dumbest things I've seen In a while...


I haven't read a Narnia fanfiction before .it's good so far . just don't stop updating suddenly

Just_for_fun1997:This fanfic, we can create whatever we want.

youre right but it doesn't mean it isn't trash can soup. Good luck with this story i can't wait to see all the future reviews!

Just_for_fun1997:This fanfic, we can create whatever we want.

coming from the person with more tham 10 original works and zero chapters of actually story between em. lol you must be sensitive to reviews. its understandable. you should stick to reading and not writing.

M7TH1C:This review Is one of the dumbest things I've seen In a while...

I don't think the Author writes seriously, I mean look at his name he's doing this just for fun and sometimes to get the story going you have to write whatever. I enjoy this because it is not something something you have to think about while reading, plus I have really wanted to read a Narnia fanfic since a long time.

DetachedDreamer:coming from the person with more tham 10 original works and zero chapters of actually story between em. lol you must be sensitive to reviews. its understandable. you should stick to reading and not writing.

I can't deny anything you just said. and while its still hard for me to enjoy, it makes complete sense why you would. you are an enlightened soul! I'll shall carry a piece of this wisdom on my journey!

uncreativeguy:I don't think the Author writes seriously, I mean look at his name he's doing this just for fun and sometimes to get the story going you have to write whatever. I enjoy this because it is not something something you have to think about while reading, plus I have really wanted to read a Narnia fanfic since a long time.

hey man you gave this 4 star. What do you mean exactly?