
Review Detail of heminasti in Really, I Just Wanted to Be a Slacker Heiress

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I read over 200 chapters of this dumpster fire because it was free. Its genre is, "young girl is a genius at everything with a bunch of secret identities." Admittedly, that is often my least favorite genre. The reason being that it's often completely unbelievable how such a young person who should be often supervised manages to do so many mature things and even more unbelievable that nobody knows or figures it out. They usually rely on completely ridiculous contradictions to keep the shtick going. Even though the readers actually want everybody to know and be impressed. Yeah. That's this. But it's actually worse than usual because it's trying to be mysterious at the same time! So it's not actually explaining what she's done in the past, or what her abilities are, or why she has those abilities. Everyone in this is a complete vapid idiot except for her little brother. Their behavior has all the rationality and purpose of broken dolls smashing themselves into walls. The FL is supposed to be very smart and repeatedly demonstrates that she's a Sherlock Holmes able to observe and deduce from the smallest of hints. But her head is too far up her own butt to realize that her family is faking being poor. The reason her parents keep faking it stupid. They claim to care about her, but don't care enough to tell her so that she's not constantly worrying and working 3 part time jobs. The FL also isn't just hiding her many adventures and identities, either. She's fully sabotaging her own life for no reason whatsoever. She deliberately gets 0s on all of her tests for all of her subjects. But she wants to start a company in the future. We all know how much the business world loves academic failures! She can literally get any score she wants and she doesn't choose to be average. She chooses to look like an idiot and be disliked by her family and teachers. Nothing makes sense and there's not really even much face slapping, since that would require the FL stopping her act and she doesn't in over 200 chapters. I do not recommend this at all.

Really, I Just Wanted to Be a Slacker Heiress

Tang Zhou

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