
Review Detail of Gratiz_ in Dragon Ball: Legends

Details zur Rezension


Hea... Gamer system in dbz world just doesn't work... If it was a skill system I could understand, but leveling up in dbz is simply not compatible. The gamer system either make main characters too powerful (undeserved growth) or too weak (restricted growth). It's better to just sratch that to begin with. Harem is stupid too, only desperate people like harem (or simps)

Dragon Ball: Legends


Beliebt bei 12 Personen




well that's an interesting statement to make , what's your thought process just to let u know i indulge in harem from time to time of course it isn't the end all be all , i am very selective on the kind of harem i read , for example i hate stories where the mc treats the women as property and i like it when it makes sense why the girls would join the harem . but your earlier statement how does enjoying harem make u a desperate person or a simp , bc I can also say the same thing about someone who doesn't enjoy harem (just kidding but i want to know your thought process


one of my favourite dragon ball game is a rpg where you can lv up so i disagree with this fact


i agree over the fact that harem is stupid especially in db where powerful people have none

Aidan_2908:one of my favourite dragon ball game is a rpg where you can lv up so i disagree with this fact