
Review Detail of Slutty_Immortal in please reset the booktitle Monklee 20231218092329 45

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So, after reading till the last chapter and I know it's early but I gotta say this is just him going fucking here and there. I know this might sound like I'm a simp but that is not how you show women where even a queen behaves as a road side hooker and ik you'll say something like he has max charms and this and that but still the queen even starts prostituting him to her sister and this is the god like figure we are talking about here. Please at least inform about the world he doesn't go over at information gathering or whatever bureau he goes like "Yeah, the lord's wife has some nice tits. She's going to be mine for sure."

please reset the booktitle Monklee 20231218092329 45


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Hi thanks for the comment I really appreciate it :), I will deliver more fighting and world building moving forward


yeah keep it up, uk even if I say that I'll keep reading.. I'm expecting great things ahead.

Monklee:Hi thanks for the comment I really appreciate it :), I will deliver more fighting and world building moving forward