
Review Detail of Noctua in Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Details zur Rezension


Compared to other authors in this place his grammar is slightly above average, still bad enough to be off putting. Mainly when the author changes pov from third to first person on a whim, He doesn't use the word "of" ever and very rarely as in once every two chapters you might see a pronoun in the wrong place. I think most of above mistakes could be mended if he re-read his chapters and made a quick edit. Besides grammar the story feels rushed in the first chapters, the author wishes to change the world setting, but doesn't take the time to ease the readers into it. There is allways a feeling that there is something missing. He increments new world setting ideas without a care for timing or if they fully fit into the story he is telling.

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime


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