
Review Detail of Roinuji in Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

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-There are numerous typos in the story and the author often forgets plots that he himself defined. Things like a character appearing at the same time in two different places, the author copying and pasting a notification and forgetting to edit it, or even forgetting some effect of the protagonist's main skills. The author puts so much information and so many skills that he can't manage his own story. -The distance from the world makes no sense, sometimes the author shows the protagonist traveling to a certain location kilometers away with an army of thousands of soldiers and this march takes only a few hours, when in fact it should take days or weeks. -The protagonist accumulates countless useless skills that he never uses. And the skills are so scattered and random that it's evident the author didn't plan anything. -The protagonist's main class is the martial artist, but he has never fought a single opponent in 200 chapters and none of his skills have to do with his class. And even if "classes" exist in history, it is possible to learn skills that have nothing to do with the character class. -The drop system is broken and makes no sense, putting things like 0% drop just to conveniently work with the protagonist's talent: 100% drop rate. If the drop is 0% this item simply shouldn't exist. -The protagonist accumulates countless items with his 100% drop talent, but these items are so large in quantity that they just gather dust and are never used efficiently. (Like protagonist's skills) -The loyalty system makes no sense, literally, people are only loyal to the protagonist because of a talent that forces these people to become loyal, It has nothing to do with the protagonist's effort. They are like slaves with brainwashing. -No death consequences in battles. The protagonist has countless soldiers, but because of his talent he manages to revive them all whenever a battle takes place, so all soldiers are essentially immortal. In the end, I had fun reading the first few chapters, but after 200 chapters I got bored and felt like it wasn't worth it. (And I feel that the novel is written by AI)

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

A Green Bird

Beliebt bei 10 Personen




With your comment i'm at 90% sure that i'll drop it after ~30chapter but can you tell me if this novel is about reality or VR? I'm at chapter7... Don't want to waste my time reading 200chapter to know if the mc is male or not, or if the mc is an AI or whatever. I like "Reverend Insanity" i find "Warlock of the Magus World" or "Soul of Negary"(i could not read too much but it's readable) in the same spirit.


felt the same. was wondering why nobody mentioned all the typos in the reviews.


can you mention novels with the same type but with less mistakes or at least more interesting


Honestly, I don't read many stories like that. My favorite novels are Reverend Insanity and Shadow Slave. Maybe you can read The Oracle Path. It's similar to global lord but infinitely higher in quality.

Daoist2v8n6v:can you mention novels with the same type but with less mistakes or at least more interesting

honestly most typos I can ignore as my brain is already auto correcting them as I go.I think the biggest problem of this novel is just how much word padding that the author does. Literally the monster drops will be listed 2 times even though we know his talent.2nd problem is just the insane pace. Like nitro non stop.I mean the guy is Summoning 1 MILLION soldiers at a time ffs.

Omid_A:felt the same. was wondering why nobody mentioned all the typos in the reviews.

Try out this new amazing novel.I feel like this novel deserves more audience and support this is truly a wonderful novel and it would seem unfair if others don't get to read it.so I have decided to inform everyone of this awesome novel.although quite slow paced, the author has did a great work to make the novel seem fairly logical .truly a wonderful novel, and I hope that everyone who sees this novel.checks it out themselves to decide how truly interesting it is.maybe I am just bluffing or this is truly a great novel.the name of the novel is:Eradawn: Mythos Unveiled


You said;"-The drop system is broken and makes no sense, putting things like 0% drop just to conveniently work with the protagonist's talent: 100% drop rate. If the drop is 0% this item simply shouldn't exist." But i disagree, (0%) is plausible it's like (100%) if you agree that (100%) mean accessible for all, (0%) mean accessible for no one it's like inexistant for all... So it mean that the MC's skill is outrageous and allow him to see what is inestant for others but even obtain what is usually no possible to... yeah he has a broken skill(i don't even know the meaning of legendary skill_can it be upgraded?)


This 0% drop doesn't make sense, because mathematically all other items in the world have a 0% drop. 0 in mathematics is non-existence. For example, there is a 0% chance of dropping an atomic bomb. 0% chance of dropping a star. 0% chance of dropping a dog. etc... All of these infinite items have a 0% drop. The reason for not dropping any of these items is because the author doesn't want them to. Simple like that. Every time an item with a 0% drop appears, it is simply the author finding an excuse to give that item to the protagonist. And that's stupid, he could put a 0.000000001% chance that would make millions of times more sense than simply 0%. I hope it's not a 0% drop, but just many decimal zeros below.

DaoisttwG3qW:You said;"-The drop system is broken and makes no sense, putting things like 0% drop just to conveniently work with the protagonist's talent: 100% drop rate. If the drop is 0% this item simply shouldn't exist." But i disagree, (0%) is plausible it's like (100%) if you agree that (100%) mean accessible for all, (0%) mean accessible for no one it's like inexistant for all... So it mean that the MC's skill is outrageous and allow him to see what is inestant for others but even obtain what is usually no possible to... yeah he has a broken skill(i don't even know the meaning of legendary skill_can it be upgraded?)

I have read many chapters (over 100) so far there is no mention of a virtual reality world or anything like that.

DaoisttwG3qW:With your comment i'm at 90% sure that i'll drop it after ~30chapter but can you tell me if this novel is about reality or VR? I'm at chapter7... Don't want to waste my time reading 200chapter to know if the mc is male or not, or if the mc is an AI or whatever. I like "Reverend Insanity" i find "Warlock of the Magus World" or "Soul of Negary"(i could not read too much but it's readable) in the same spirit.

its reality, they were practically isekai'd and given a talent

Roinuji:I have read many chapters (over 100) so far there is no mention of a virtual reality world or anything like that.