
Review Detail of I_cant_choose_name in Traveler in Multiverse

Details zur Rezension


I was moderately enjoying the start of the story but it went from a 4 to a 5 after he went to demon slayer(because of many reasons but in my "Minds Eye" I can't help but think of him in the armour on the cover just zipping past his enemy's and at the same time he sheathes his sword his enemy gets decapitated also the author brings up a massive problem I have with DXD/DXD ff's being the fact that technique doesn't seem to matter much because people don't seem to be able to punch above there rank(example: a low class being can't kill a middle class being in a one on one fight)because most attacks are just people slugging each other using magic/melee with the occasional technique that doesn't do much(doesn't give as big advantage unless they are in the top 20)What I said is probably not entirely correct but what I mean is DXD gives the feeling that raw power is all that matter's and it is a bridge that can't be crossed by experience and technique. So I am hoping to see the mc punch above his class after he gets this training.

Traveler in Multiverse


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




This was badly written but just read the story it good.