
Review Detail of cassiegreen in Maid With Benefits

Details zur Rezension


The story seems okay so far. I think the author has been doing great with descriptions. There are a few grammatical Ir maybe typographical errors here and there so a little bit of editing should be done. Now, to the story: The female lead is twisted. From her POV I envisioned her as a somewhat sweet and relatable person but from the guys POV my view of her changes a little. She is so sure of herself (I don't want to use the word narcissist). I don't really like how she just jumped into conclusions and mentioned things about his secual fantasies... yes she is correct but it is a little too much. She was downright rude. Plus the fact that she was in an office environmentt means that she is meant to be polite ag all times to all people no matter the situation. Maybe you should consider modifying it a bit. I'm not telling you to change your plot or anything but from my perspective, that scene would have been better if outside the office. Also, the people watching... the way you handled it made it seem like you were looking for a quick way to brush them aside. Okay... I'm done with my critics lolllll I did enjoy the book. I'll be sure to read more (your nook has potentials it should get better) and I hope you update before I get to the last chapter (as of now).

Maid With Benefits


Beliebt bei 5 Personen


