
Review Detail of AWHavoc in World conqueror system

Details zur Rezension


The core of the novel is extremely solid, it is entertaining and immersive and it wants to be told. The characters seem lively and depicted well, it's a solid novel. Don't feel like you need to establish authors notes in the middle of a chapter though, as that breaks the immersion. Especially in something as important as a first paragraph which is huge for a novel. If a reader doesn't understand something, we'll ask. Then you can reply to a comment :) The other detractor that I see, which gets better over time in your chapters, is grammar and sentence structure. Every once in awhile it'll get away from you and pull the reader out of the story. I understand English isn't your first language, don't worry, it happens to those of us that have it as a first language all the time. but I do think it would be worth going back through and editing your early chapters (especially the first one as that's what is going to hook new readers) as your skill improves. You're definitely headed in the right direction! Keep up the good work.

World conqueror system


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




you can re-read it again since I already fixed the grammar mistake... still 3 chap out of 15 though