
Review Detail of Davros92 in Apocalypse: I Chose Apocalypse After My Sister Was Murdered

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So basically if a city ceases to exist. About 30 million inhabitants, it's ok to destroy the rest of 8 billion of humanity. It sounds like a very human narrative.

Apocalypse: I Chose Apocalypse After My Sister Was Murdered

Apocalypse Ruler

Beliebt bei 11 Personen




illegal immigrants wouldn't want to f**king get out of their country if not for some sh*t happening inside the countries because of other countries.. who Mexicans? Middle eastern? Ukrainians? if not for US.. UK.. Russia.. Turkey.. and other countries playing role in messing up their country, why would they go out! this is a Social responsibility to help them, not call them illegal and shoot them.. why is this a debate about who is right, of course not the government, no government is white handed in what happens during this time in the world.. everyone have their responsibility, Ignoring it is a sin.

Davros92:The author's entire situation is one of a conflict of individual freedom. If a group of illegal immigrants tries to cross a border and is injured or killed in the conflict. Who should be held accountable? One can point to the figure of the soldier, another to the supervising officer, some can blame the society whose companies grew their profits by selling weapons and ammunition, inside and outside the border, encouraging conflict. The author didn't want to buy this fight, so he blames all humanity. The question is if all of humanity were punished for an illegal immigrant who was denied asylum wouldn't that ironically be human?

They killed his sister so yeah


Being locked up with zombies and no rescue attempts from the government.He and his sister try their best to escape but his sister's been killed infront of him. You're not human if what you did that time is turned around, go back and continue what he always do. To survive but less "baggage"?. Is he supposed to be thankful?. Then you're abnormal if you can accept that with a calm mind.


The author's entire situation is one of a conflict of individual freedom. If a group of illegal immigrants tries to cross a border and is injured or killed in the conflict. Who should be held accountable? One can point to the figure of the soldier, another to the supervising officer, some can blame the society whose companies grew their profits by selling weapons and ammunition, inside and outside the border, encouraging conflict. The author didn't want to buy this fight, so he blames all humanity. The question is if all of humanity were punished for an illegal immigrant who was denied asylum wouldn't that ironically be human?

You_Did_Well:Being locked up with zombies and no rescue attempts from the government.He and his sister try their best to escape but his sister's been killed infront of him. You're not human if what you did that time is turned around, go back and continue what he always do. To survive but less "baggage"?. Is he supposed to be thankful?. Then you're abnormal if you can accept that with a calm mind.

Man, that's a whole nother story. They've been "locked up", they're not just an illegal immigrants that wants to cross border of another country. They are isolated not just by one country, they are locked up in one area with zombies lurking. Why are you assuming that the author wants to portrait what you just said. Can't they write a novel with fantasy genre and write whats on their mind? Write what they think they'll do in an apocalypse? Write what they'll do if their sister whose smile reach her ears because she think they'll be safe from there on but unfortunately get shot? But I understand what you're coming from. So I think you need to understand the mc n the novel too. If you were in their shoes, what will you do? You and your sister are alive not because of them but because you want to live. They've been locked up and let them fight for their own from the start. Why would they care to everyone inside the safe zone if they themselves don't care about the survivors? Martyr? Hero? Selfless? Why would they do that? Anyway have a great day and sorry for the rant.

Davros92:The author's entire situation is one of a conflict of individual freedom. If a group of illegal immigrants tries to cross a border and is injured or killed in the conflict. Who should be held accountable? One can point to the figure of the soldier, another to the supervising officer, some can blame the society whose companies grew their profits by selling weapons and ammunition, inside and outside the border, encouraging conflict. The author didn't want to buy this fight, so he blames all humanity. The question is if all of humanity were punished for an illegal immigrant who was denied asylum wouldn't that ironically be human?

The author used a formula for you to empathize with the character, but he failed to develop it. The desire to destroy the world after encountering an unfair situation is human, but it is an uncontrollable childish desire. And worse, the action of the soldier who shot becomes justified because in the absence of another example, it attests that everyone who comes from that violent world will be immutably violent and uncontrollable like a child. It's not a case where the MC after destroying the border forces questions himself about his own existence and goals, he continues like an angry child destroying everything in sight. The Author is using a human element and belittling the reader. The author judged that readers are not worth the effort to go beyond the formula.

You_Did_Well:Man, that's a whole nother story. They've been "locked up", they're not just an illegal immigrants that wants to cross border of another country. They are isolated not just by one country, they are locked up in one area with zombies lurking. Why are you assuming that the author wants to portrait what you just said. Can't they write a novel with fantasy genre and write whats on their mind? Write what they think they'll do in an apocalypse? Write what they'll do if their sister whose smile reach her ears because she think they'll be safe from there on but unfortunately get shot? But I understand what you're coming from. So I think you need to understand the mc n the novel too. If you were in their shoes, what will you do? You and your sister are alive not because of them but because you want to live. They've been locked up and let them fight for their own from the start. Why would they care to everyone inside the safe zone if they themselves don't care about the survivors? Martyr? Hero? Selfless? Why would they do that? Anyway have a great day and sorry for the rant.

You keep applying common sense in the apocalypse where everything you need to do is survive because everyone (government, soldier) abandoned you? In that situation you think he needs to think for everyone else? He need to consider their lives while they don't? Moral and law is applicable if you are living like we do but the mc don't. So don't apply your way of thinking whose living a comfortable life to living a hellish life just trying to survive everyday.


If you still don't get what I'm saying then you're living in a glass house.


Here is an example of your way of thinking... A homeless man should just find a job instead of begging in the street for food. Do you understand? Us who have a house, family, education can find a job even if it is just a fast food restaurants just by presenting alot of papers but a homeless man who don't even have a proper shirt let alone a papers like birth certificate, any proof of existing etc. What easy for you is hard for them. What you think whose living a comfortable life to care about moral,common sense and the life of everyone is not applicable to the mc whose just living another day is a miracle.


Brother here's a simplified version. 'The right and wrong of a man sitting and reading a novel apocalypse is far from the right and wrong of a man mourning for his dead sister'. I simplified it so that maybe you might understand.


There is a narrative rhythm: The development of the MC within a time and space must be considered. Feeling hate is humanly exhausting over time, unless zombies teleport a campaign vs the world would take months, maybe years. You would have to see an extreme spike of hate in the MC followed by exhaustion and then apathy after breaking through the walls. It would be a marathon of conflicts day after day, not a sprint. The grief would be even stronger than the hate in a matter of days. The only way this could work is if it were an escalation of conflict on both sides. No war is fought solely by feeling, it can start but it cannot be sustained.

You_Did_Well:Brother here's a simplified version. 'The right and wrong of a man sitting and reading a novel apocalypse is far from the right and wrong of a man mourning for his dead sister'. I simplified it so that maybe you might understand.

Soooooo, are you in a apocalypse with your sister get killed infront of you by soldiers who locked you up with the zombies? Or are you in your house reading novel in a comfortable life and didn't have to fight zombies with sister to protect? Do you ever wonder why are you able to think what's the mc supposed to do? Because you're not in his shoes! You're living a comfortable life so that's why you are able to think straight! You're not the one who have nothing to lose. You have everything to lose on you while the mc don't.

Davros92:There is a narrative rhythm: The development of the MC within a time and space must be considered. Feeling hate is humanly exhausting over time, unless zombies teleport a campaign vs the world would take months, maybe years. You would have to see an extreme spike of hate in the MC followed by exhaustion and then apathy after breaking through the walls. It would be a marathon of conflicts day after day, not a sprint. The grief would be even stronger than the hate in a matter of days. The only way this could work is if it were an escalation of conflict on both sides. No war is fought solely by feeling, it can start but it cannot be sustained.

Also what you said about the time frame of the apocalypse for the mc to go insane and the "reason" also applied to you. If you're asking me that then I ask you too. You don't even even know the whole story but you're judging it and giving a 1star? How ironic of you to say the all those things that needs to "consider" for the mc to think that way. Double standard huh?


You just shot yourself in the foot there. You're saying things that needs to consider but you're giving it a 1star while you didn't even read the story. Ask yourself do you consider it? No, because there's no chapter to read to be able to consider so why gave it a 1 star while it doesn't even started? Double standard at its finest.

Davros92:There is a narrative rhythm: The development of the MC within a time and space must be considered. Feeling hate is humanly exhausting over time, unless zombies teleport a campaign vs the world would take months, maybe years. You would have to see an extreme spike of hate in the MC followed by exhaustion and then apathy after breaking through the walls. It would be a marathon of conflicts day after day, not a sprint. The grief would be even stronger than the hate in a matter of days. The only way this could work is if it were an escalation of conflict on both sides. No war is fought solely by feeling, it can start but it cannot be sustained.

Wrong move mate. Checkmate. Better luck next time.


The star system doesn't work, the site automatically enters good grades so that even the worst get a good average. As comments are not required before starting to read and it takes an hour at most to decide if the book is worth it or not. I prefer to add more reflections on the work than simply evaluating it as good or bad. Except that it's offensive, I warn you, there are a couple of them on this site that I don't mention just to avoid spreading garbage.

You_Did_Well:You just shot yourself in the foot there. You're saying things that needs to consider but you're giving it a 1star while you didn't even read the story. Ask yourself do you consider it? No, because there's no chapter to read to be able to consider so why gave it a 1 star while it doesn't even started? Double standard at its finest.

Thats why many masterpiece get throw into trash cuze many idiot just do like you, oh i didnt read but looks bad so lets give 1point.. . Others follow and a very good story has to be stoped or just finished fast so can change to other book because many guy random started giving bad ratings and they think wow i did good... No you did wrong, but anyway wont go into too deep, already learned to dont waste time with type of you guys cuze dont worth my time... Only wrote this to went feelings. Have a nice day

Davros92:The star system doesn't work, the site automatically enters good grades so that even the worst get a good average. As comments are not required before starting to read and it takes an hour at most to decide if the book is worth it or not. I prefer to add more reflections on the work than simply evaluating it as good or bad. Except that it's offensive, I warn you, there are a couple of them on this site that I don't mention just to avoid spreading garbage.

You didnt even read more than 20% description not to mention book.. Then what are we talking about???

Davros92:The star system doesn't work, the site automatically enters good grades so that even the worst get a good average. As comments are not required before starting to read and it takes an hour at most to decide if the book is worth it or not. I prefer to add more reflections on the work than simply evaluating it as good or bad. Except that it's offensive, I warn you, there are a couple of them on this site that I don't mention just to avoid spreading garbage.

I regret to inform you that our evaluation of the work does not affect anything. All books to be translated have already been approved or canceled in Chinese audiences well before coming to the English version. So a good work will be translated regardless of what I claim. Again the comments and stars are irrelevant, so it's a free space where we can debate any topic from this book. And we're debating how the shape of this story could be better from the synopsis.

Lovelynovels:You didnt even read more than 20% description not to mention book.. Then what are we talking about???

So in the end you admit that it takes time to decide if it is worth it but still you criticize it? You shot yourself in the foot again. So in conclusion don't judge the book by its cover.

Davros92:The star system doesn't work, the site automatically enters good grades so that even the worst get a good average. As comments are not required before starting to read and it takes an hour at most to decide if the book is worth it or not. I prefer to add more reflections on the work than simply evaluating it as good or bad. Except that it's offensive, I warn you, there are a couple of them on this site that I don't mention just to avoid spreading garbage.

Sir, okay let's say you're right. Our ratings and comment don't matter whether the novel will continue or stop but you don't take into consideration the impact of your comment to the readers. Just like you, the future possible readers won't read the novels because they saw your comment and ratings. So you understand? The author,publisher, translator depends on us to make money to continue the novel so I think in the end you're wrong.

Davros92:I regret to inform you that our evaluation of the work does not affect anything. All books to be translated have already been approved or canceled in Chinese audiences well before coming to the English version. So a good work will be translated regardless of what I claim. Again the comments and stars are irrelevant, so it's a free space where we can debate any topic from this book. And we're debating how the shape of this story could be better from the synopsis.