
Review Detail of Syphilitis in System vs Rebirth

Details zur Rezension


Review (325 chapters) An absolute hidden gem that leaves the readee wanting more and more. Binged in two days and currently at a loss for what to do now since i ran out of chapters. Not going to do an in depth review today but i can strongly give this a top 10. will answer questions any potential reader has for a couple of days. Consistent Male/Female Mc Growth both physically and Psychologically No harem/no real relationship as of yet but it is budding, good romance without being real romance. relationship quality is 10/10 with nothing forced Definitely no cliché’s and feels extremely fresh I dont usually care for dual pov but amazingly done here MC’s arent OP but stronger than their peers due to their circumstances, no powerlevel jumps in fights like alot of novels where mc magically defeats someone 10x stronger and older than him bc the young mc somehow has more experience World background is well done and plenty of room for exploration Writing quality is great but sometimes mixes up who is talking between the mc’s but rare and easily noticable so nothing major System/reincarnation is top notch here Character Emotions are also top notch and i can still explicitly remember the womens emotions ans physical reactions during the bandit extermination 10/10 Good mysteries going on that leave alot of questions and answers to be discovered •Has potention to be one of the best novels on this site and many others when completed. I previously stated top 10 easily but thats just because i cant make up my mind if it takes top 5 right now due to alot of the story left untold as of right now. Note to Author- Amazing work, I am in love with your story and hope you can keep the pace and fully finish it without breaking away to other projects because i believe THIS will be not only your masterpiece, but a true masterpiece on this site with limitless potential. -Syph

System vs Rebirth


Beliebt bei 7 Personen




can anyone please tell if they have become allies now and of course with clearing hatred without any manipulation I want any spoiler you have of it as i can't read anymore it's so frustrating to read when even with hatred it like it's non existent please help me clarify something so i can continue reading it's good but i don't have the courage to venture into unknown thanks in advance


Has one of them started to realize that they might have feelings towards the other yet?


Yes, but their feelings are also jumbled due to the plot. dont want to ruin anything for you.

Lazy_Chicken_God:Has one of them started to realize that they might have feelings towards the other yet?

Honestly, I haven't read much yet, well, I have a strange impression, it's like giving an ancient person a computer (he doesn't understand anything and at the same time understands something, what's the use if he can't use the full potential of the system)


I like the discovery aspect to it while also liking the idea of being able to influence it rather than having full knowledge of it and just be random quest to do this and that

Roman123:Honestly, I haven't read much yet, well, I have a strange impression, it's like giving an ancient person a computer (he doesn't understand anything and at the same time understands something, what's the use if he can't use the full potential of the system)

Sorry this is very late, don’t notifications often. I discontinued the novel and have yet to pick it back up so I will be of no help. (I normally binge very quickly, put out a review if it deserves it, and save up a lot of chapters and rebinge)

The_Devils_domain:can anyone please tell if they have become allies now and of course with clearing hatred without any manipulation I want any spoiler you have of it as i can't read anymore it's so frustrating to read when even with hatred it like it's non existent please help me clarify something so i can continue reading it's good but i don't have the courage to venture into unknown thanks in advance