
Review Detail of uflesh940 in The Full Level Player Is Summoned By The Magical World

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MC immediately picks a side in an international conflict and starts killing strangers shortly after being summoned. I mean, there's psychopathic MCs, and then there's this guy. "Wow, an army attacking a city. Eh, might as well attack the army." And for no reason! The MC doesn't even really benefit from attacking the army, he just does it to 'test his strength'. Unbelievable.

The Full Level Player Is Summoned By The Magical World

Game King

Beliebt bei 3 Personen




I mean you are right if you think about it that way, but in another way, he couldn‘t run away without using magic, so why not just use just as much effort to win and test his strenght at the same time? You shouldn‘t forget that he found out that he got all skill from his game char, a char that killed a god, and he most likely is on a high for winning in a game, where he most likely spent months or years to be the best, and now he has that power in real life, I don‘t think that anyone would think in that moment to run away oder ask who is right and who is wrong, he just saw he is partly now a ‘member of a country that is getting destroyed and the rest didn‘t matter


I mean more probaly is that the author thought that it would be cool if his Mc just comes out of nowhere gains op powers and saves the day, like in most other op Chinese novels