
Review Detail of Unchainedx in Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Details zur Rezension


It's a very good fanfic, the beginning wasn't the best, but with each chapter i feel the novel evolving, the system is "smooth", it's not unpleasant at all like most systems novels on this site, the MC's personality is relatively original, i feel like most of the MCs on this site are relatively similar so it's refreshing (to me) to read about a different mc, i hope that just like the story he will also evolve as a person. His relationship with other characters hasn't been very developed yet, but it seems to be going down an interesting path, not too forced and not ignored, although there aren't many interactions yet i feel that everything is going in an ideal way, it's "smooth "... I hope the author doesn't add more powers to the MC, i see some people complaining that he is weak and having the avatar powers is no big deal, but i believe that he can do amazing things with this power, especially if the level of power of the elements is greater than in Avatar (the anime), i imagine him being able to cause devastating earthquakes, summoning giant meteors (like madara), shooting lightning so powerful that Thor would be jealous, creating tsunamis of hundreds of meters, hurricanes so powerful that they can destroy entire cities, or even creating a new ice age! Okay, i got a little excited here, but what I mean is that the possibilities are endless, his power is fantastic and it will be amazing to read about his development. I love the DC universe, unfortunately there aren't so many fanfics about it and this is one that I'm most excited about it's future, i really hope that the author doesn't drop this novel, i'll be rooting for it. PS: MCxSupergirl (make it happen!)

Aden Strong: Avatar In DC


Beliebt bei 79 Personen




how do you get the picture


This is the best review I have ever read because of how we seem to have similar ideas about the fic.


True buddy what he said. Also plz confirm the love intrest I too vote for supergirl btw

Saintbarbido:This is the best review I have ever read because of how we seem to have similar ideas about the fic.

I have to stop you there buddy did you say avatar the anime is there something I have missed becuase avatar the last airbender and the other avatar IS NOT ANIME its a cartoon


I really don't care...

rocketwind2:I have to stop you there buddy did you say avatar the anime is there something I have missed becuase avatar the last airbender and the other avatar IS NOT ANIME its a cartoon

you should right is right wrong is wrong

Unchainedx:I really don't care...

rocketwind2:you should right is right wrong is wrong



please update again today i really wanna read more


Nobody likes people who pick apart well written reviews with semantics. Even the creators pointed out that it could be called either because it was inspired by anime, also you seem to forget that anime is literally just a shortened term for animation that in Japan is used to refer to all animated works and not just domestic anime. So, next time you get semantic about something minor maybe consider that one individual culture does not have a claim for the 'true' meaning of a word, many western countries refer to anime as strictly Japanese and opposing that the Japanese use it to refer to all animated work regardless of the origin. Neither are right and neither are wrong so you look pathetic for arguing over such a stupid and nebulous thing as what a word means when words with universal meaning all over the world are so exceptionally rare.

rocketwind2:I have to stop you there buddy did you say avatar the anime is there something I have missed becuase avatar the last airbender and the other avatar IS NOT ANIME its a cartoon

So I agree to say that the fanfiction is good but I think that the mc and a can beta he leaves beaten and the league reproaches him for having killed criminals in a state of self-defense and stress moreover why be a hero in the dc universe this super danger In short, all of this seems a little forced to me, I mean I go to the dc universe, I panic first, then I find a safe place, I can't guess a hero from whom I see that I have powers.


I think that's how the league works, right? For them there isn't a good enough reason to explain why he killed someone. I don't think it's fair for you to use yourself as an example here, each person acts in a different way, we are all intrinsically different from each other, he's not wrong for having his "own thoughts"... He was never a hero, even when he was with the "league" he was already some kind of an anti-hero and the reasons for his decision have already been explained, he wants to make a difference, he dreams of somehow purging the evil that plagues the DC world.

Supe3rman1234:So I agree to say that the fanfiction is good but I think that the mc and a can beta he leaves beaten and the league reproaches him for having killed criminals in a state of self-defense and stress moreover why be a hero in the dc universe this super danger In short, all of this seems a little forced to me, I mean I go to the dc universe, I panic first, then I find a safe place, I can't guess a hero from whom I see that I have powers.

Ya, Im the paetich guy for making a joke. Not the one writing a small eassy about how pathetic someone else is

coldpyr0:Nobody likes people who pick apart well written reviews with semantics. Even the creators pointed out that it could be called either because it was inspired by anime, also you seem to forget that anime is literally just a shortened term for animation that in Japan is used to refer to all animated works and not just domestic anime. So, next time you get semantic about something minor maybe consider that one individual culture does not have a claim for the 'true' meaning of a word, many western countries refer to anime as strictly Japanese and opposing that the Japanese use it to refer to all animated work regardless of the origin. Neither are right and neither are wrong so you look pathetic for arguing over such a stupid and nebulous thing as what a word means when words with universal meaning all over the world are so exceptionally rare.

Yeah, you totally meant it as a joke. Because we all know that you continue to say someone was wrong after the first time when you are joking. Either you have really bad humor and feel the need to keep repeating a joke or you were serious and are acting like it was a joke, in the internet classic move of pretending to not be serious when you get caught saying something dumb or having a dumb opinion.

rocketwind2:Ya, Im the paetich guy for making a joke. Not the one writing a small eassy about how pathetic someone else is

It was a joke about how alot of avatar fans always say it's an cartoon. And I doubled down of the joke in hope he would get it and play along sometimes these kind of jokes work other times they don't. But i'm sure you know better. And im just a pathetic guy on the internet with a dumb opinion.

coldpyr0:Yeah, you totally meant it as a joke. Because we all know that you continue to say someone was wrong after the first time when you are joking. Either you have really bad humor and feel the need to keep repeating a joke or you were serious and are acting like it was a joke, in the internet classic move of pretending to not be serious when you get caught saying something dumb or having a dumb opinion.

I ’m going to admit in the beginning I dropped this for something that happens but I drawn back to it mid way it ’s probably one of my favorite dc fics right now the story itself is amazing the characters act as you expect there traits aren’t erased fight aren’t boring it’s not a harem the mc isn’t basic it’s overall a amazing story you gotta read it



Thor can command lighting strong enough to destroy planets.


Potato, patato 😒 Jk, avatar fans are kinda sensitive about this topic 😅😂

rocketwind2:I have to stop you there buddy did you say avatar the anime is there something I have missed becuase avatar the last airbender and the other avatar IS NOT ANIME its a cartoon

rocketwind2:I have to stop you there buddy did you say avatar the anime is there something I have missed becuase avatar the last airbender and the other avatar IS NOT ANIME its a cartoon