
Review Detail of Valhaller in Blood Mage in the Apocalypse

Details zur Rezension


Here's a shameless author rewiev (not so shameless to give myself a 5). It is my first time writing a story of this magnitude and on top of that, english is not my native language, so if you spot any errors or problems, please do point them out for me so I can get better. Having said that, my goal is to create a story and a hero that I genuinely like and relate to. I've read a ton of novels here at Webnovel and at other sites of course, and many times I've ended up wishing for the story to go in the other direction, for the hero to choose some other class, other master, other skill or some other girl. As the time went by I started to entertain the thought of writing something myself, so I can finally have control over these elements and tailor the story to my liking. So, here it is, the story that I hope will be to my and, of course, yours liking. Cheers!

Blood Mage in the Apocalypse


Beliebt bei 2 Personen

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