
Review Detail of Solo_Wolf in Life at the Peak

Details zur Rezension


Hello Author Here! First of all, I would like to thank everyone for reading my novel. What?! You're not reading, then what are you doing here?! Go, go read before I $@#### cough! Anyway, that's that. Next, I guess I need to tell you guys somethings about this novel. This novel is about a villain. And I mean a real villain who would do anything that brings him joy. So, when you see r$pe, and I promise you there would be tons of it, don't go crying around. If that wasn't enough to discourage you, then try out this one. This novel will contain many dark things, it will c@rse God knows how many people. LGBT? Women? Kids? Innocence? Religion? Everything will be c#rsed. You're still here? I commend you for staying for so long. Now, I'm going to tell you what this novel is all about. Plot? Slice of life. World building? Naturally, you can't have xianxia without world building. I don't say it's perfect, but average is good enough I guess. Character depth? That is for you to judge my friends. Things such as these are more subjective. That said, I think I write pretty good characters... Release rate? Random. But, at least once a week, for now... Anyway, what are you doing here? Hop on!!

Life at the Peak


Beliebt bei 7 Personen




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interesting, i shall give it a try


i shall give it a try


this is a great fic to be honest, a evil mc even more reason to like this but the mc is toooooo op so its very difficult to peak my interest. i say start with a fanfic first before going to a original. warlock of magus, reverend insanity are great worlds to start with. always great job so far man