
Review Detail of Blackwater in The right Shinobi

Details zur Rezension


First of, the English quality of the story is Top notch but the choice of style is terrible. The whole story reads like a bad copy of Pride and Prejudice or the diary of an 19 century, well to do Male with to much time. The problem is that this results in a very harsh Contrast to the Naruto Character, the World or the Fandom as a whole. The style, choice of words, sentence structure and grammar rules don't fit a Fanfiction of Naruto and makes little sense for the MC. The story development is also kinda questionable most of the times, for a MC that knows the future to make so many bad choices and act the way he does is borderline unreal and doesn't help immersion. All of that put together with the writing style results in a reading experience that feels distant, a mix of reading a diary and a tax report. Some people enjoy this type of style and I also like it but this is not something that fits the Naruto Universe and the Fanfiction.

The right Shinobi


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




"First of, the English quality of the story is Top notch" - you are insain, sentensens are overbloated, jumping from first to third person, poor choises of words