
Review Detail of michele_00 in Shadow Slave

Details zur Rezension


I was so happy before reading this novel...i wish I had never read it. The first part seemed everything i read seems so strange or unfair to me, i don't even know why the author gave all that potential at the beginning if he then seems to do everything to make it the same as that of others. If i didn't know sunny was the protagonist then i would think he's just a useless secondary character. I read all the chapters hoping it would improve but nothing happened...I'm sorry but I'll stop reading it

Shadow Slave


Beliebt bei 32 Personen




I don't think being OP or not makes the story enjoyable, it's the MC, writing, and story. The Author got two of the three right, but the MC is just not likeable. So far he's a Weak to Weak beta male s@mp, borderline g@y MC. The amount of time he comments on how attractive other men are is shocking. Once, maybe twice, but the author went too far in my opinion. I also really dislike how provocative females are showing obvious Interests towards the MC yet he cowers. Two chapters later he's now drooling on them like a sex fiend, commenting on their perfect bodies, makes no sense. Maybe he just hasn't come out of the closet yet lol.

insan69:this are the type of people that get angry if you don't like what they like. a character doesn't need to be op to be enjoyable.

he became a slave lol


Why is he a useless secondary character? Because he isn't the strongest? Because he isn't leading everyone like Nephis? Because he has a somewhat antisocial personality? How do those things make Sunny a useless secondary character. He is still undoubtedly the main character since we see the majority of the events in the novel through his eyes and we know his thoughts, on the contrary we never see the events through Nephis' eyes so I fail to see how she could be the main character. Do you just automatically dislike the novel because Sunny isn't OP, is more lowkey, and isn't a leader? If so, there isn't much you can do about that I guess, go read another novel. But just know, there are many others like me who despise those super OP, apathetic, ruthless, perfect Gary Stu type characters.


If that were the case I wouldn't have read all the chapters...he also became a slave, so I like it even less

Bad_At:Why is he a useless secondary character? Because he isn't the strongest? Because he isn't leading everyone like Nephis? Because he has a somewhat antisocial personality? How do those things make Sunny a useless secondary character. He is still undoubtedly the main character since we see the majority of the events in the novel through his eyes and we know his thoughts, on the contrary we never see the events through Nephis' eyes so I fail to see how she could be the main character. Do you just automatically dislike the novel because Sunny isn't OP, is more lowkey, and isn't a leader? If so, there isn't much you can do about that I guess, go read another novel. But just know, there are many others like me who despise those super OP, apathetic, ruthless, perfect Gary Stu type characters.

Mate from this commen all I see is I like it cuz hes usless not like all the others. Can’t You just give some reasons on why you like his character Instead Of this tirade? Btw the definition Of mc matter very little here I can take one of those Gary Stu novel and tell them from the point of view of a secondary Character Doesn’t make the story an instant masterpiece.

Bad_At:Why is he a useless secondary character? Because he isn't the strongest? Because he isn't leading everyone like Nephis? Because he has a somewhat antisocial personality? How do those things make Sunny a useless secondary character. He is still undoubtedly the main character since we see the majority of the events in the novel through his eyes and we know his thoughts, on the contrary we never see the events through Nephis' eyes so I fail to see how she could be the main character. Do you just automatically dislike the novel because Sunny isn't OP, is more lowkey, and isn't a leader? If so, there isn't much you can do about that I guess, go read another novel. But just know, there are many others like me who despise those super OP, apathetic, ruthless, perfect Gary Stu type characters.

this are the type of people that get angry if you don't like what they like. a character doesn't need to be op to be enjoyable.

XbsXbs:Mate from this commen all I see is I like it cuz hes usless not like all the others. Can’t You just give some reasons on why you like his character Instead Of this tirade? Btw the definition Of mc matter very little here I can take one of those Gary Stu novel and tell them from the point of view of a secondary Character Doesn’t make the story an instant masterpiece.

True but nobody said sunny wasn’t strong enough but that he’s useless and that’s different you can have a story were the protagonist is stupid op but still usless af a lot of Japanese novels are like that mc never take a stance never wants something never influence anything he just reacts and goes were the wind blows or were his harem leads him that’s just not likable to me. For me the power level doesn’t matter but mc must be unique must have a solid goal and always move to reach it must lead at least himself and maybe others must affect the world and other people with his actions.

insan69:this are the type of people that get angry if you don't like what they like. a character doesn't need to be op to be enjoyable.

Common loser L comment

XbsXbs:True but nobody said sunny wasn’t strong enough but that he’s useless and that’s different you can have a story were the protagonist is stupid op but still usless af a lot of Japanese novels are like that mc never take a stance never wants something never influence anything he just reacts and goes were the wind blows or were his harem leads him that’s just not likable to me. For me the power level doesn’t matter but mc must be unique must have a solid goal and always move to reach it must lead at least himself and maybe others must affect the world and other people with his actions.

Common loser L comment


Cry more clown

Jonathan_Howardiga:Common loser L comment

Saying things doesn't make it true. sunny has no game, and ge is weak, character wise. But you didn't say that. Don't come out swinging if you're not ready for someone to see right through you.

michele_00:Cry more clown

I really liked the story at the beginning as well. Maybe because I thought Sunny was going to get rid of his shackles of slavery, but at the same time it is in the name. I kind of wished there was more development in the relationship betwee Sunny and Nephis. Nephis does not really speak her mind about him is more Sunny asking her questions. He is portrayed as always trying to catch up and sees her as a potential enemy (if only he did not care about her). This is what bothers me, I feel like it would be better if they both tried getting stronger together. She claims she wanted Sunny to go back to the real world for her own selfish reason. Why was it not for love? Did the author not want to make this aspect? Would bringing love to the story ruin the plot?


Take "OPness" out of the equation for a second... What good qualities does this MC have? Batman isn't the strongest in the DC universe but he is one of the most liked because he is smart, cunning, has a backbone and principles he wouldn't break for anyone or anything. What about this MC? he is scared all the time, follows around female charaters like a puppy, became an actual slave, shares his secrets, became more trusting (The key word here being "became" as in he went from someone who trusted only himself and being cautious to someone who easily trust people, puts his life at risk for people who in all honesty do not care that much about him and a doormat for female characters in general). Your turn now, tell us about this "glorious" MC who apparently you believe is likeable...

insan69:this are the type of people that get angry if you don't like what they like. a character doesn't need to be op to be enjoyable.