
Review Detail of Nemesis_6331 in Dark Orb

Details zur Rezension


Really like how the story is going but I will reccomend not to rush too much. I feel like the arcs are too short and could be made better if you added more detail on how the events happened or the different attacks occuring. Some spells could be good when the mage summons the demon and a bit more dialogue. An example for a dialogue would be him talking in his brain to his demon discussing whether or not he should go to the academy. Another place could be a dialogue of shock when they understand they are fighting a person possesed by a demon. All in all, just make the scenes longer and with more dialogue because it will make it more lively and we get to know the personality of the characters.

Dark Orb


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




Thank you very much and I will try my best to improve upon the viewer's support😁