
Review Detail of Davros92 in Permanent Martial Arts

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The funniest part of the synopsis is the inversion, humans are the plague that occupies the territories, sterilizes the soil, scavenges animals that inhabited it for generations. The only reason we haven't destroyed more of the planet is because we are just as destructive to ourselves. The best part is that with the privatization of water, the overproduction of plastic and the human capacity to exempt themselves from responsibility, it will not be necessary to have a hero of nature to recover space, extinction will take care of that.

Permanent Martial Arts

Shadow on the Moon

Beliebt bei 38 Personen




Nice discussion! I gained back some brain cells that I have lost from reading novels on this site.


Your orientation is very twisted. First of all stop personalising the Earth, it is not a conscious being, so stop saying we are killing the earth and *hit like that. Secondly instead of worrying about the animals and the environment, (which we should take care of), you should priorities other follow human first. And finally let me just ask you one question, Do you consider the lives of 100 animal or tree more valuable than yours??


No long-term human society has achieved stability. Humanity is going to be extinct, we just don't know if it's going to be suicide, by external means, or autophagic murder. Humanity just doesn't like to call risky behavior and denial of responsibility a suicide attempt.

lord_of_all_realm_:Your orientation is very twisted. First of all stop personalising the Earth, it is not a conscious being, so stop saying we are killing the earth and *hit like that. Secondly instead of worrying about the animals and the environment, (which we should take care of), you should priorities other follow human first. And finally let me just ask you one question, Do you consider the lives of 100 animal or tree more valuable than yours??

My friend, don't let the sacrifices of our ancestors go waist. You should look at far we come, and remember to be grateful for what you have, and stop with the whining and ungratefulness. And if you're considering how we will go instinct, the highest probable reasons are astroids , gamma ray brusts and other horrors. With your current ideology, I fear that in the near future you say something along the lines of ( let's "purify" the world from this virus called humans)😂😂

Davros92:No long-term human society has achieved stability. Humanity is going to be extinct, we just don't know if it's going to be suicide, by external means, or autophagic murder. Humanity just doesn't like to call risky behavior and denial of responsibility a suicide attempt.

In fact, in my country, Brazil, I advise you to visit. We have a receptive population, although many are descendants of enslaved women (African or indigenous) who were raped by Europeans, or had children in adolescence due to lack of contraceptive methods, sexual education and could die when aborting or giving birth. There are also children unwanted by both parents who even with all the violence of an underdeveloped country survive and have children because finally there is social pressure to have a family after all retirement is for fews and without children who will take care of you? Even though Brazil has record reports of violence against the elderly and many started to consume drugs while living on the street. Positivists like to ignore these hardworking ancestors who maybe don't think very much about the future of humanity. Forget the past to fantasize about the future with minimal effort, few things are so human.

lord_of_all_realm_:My friend, don't let the sacrifices of our ancestors go waist. You should look at far we come, and remember to be grateful for what you have, and stop with the whining and ungratefulness. And if you're considering how we will go instinct, the highest probable reasons are astroids , gamma ray brusts and other horrors. With your current ideology, I fear that in the near future you say something along the lines of ( let's "purify" the world from this virus called humans)😂😂

Well I agree with you, life is full of suffering (diseases/death of loved ones/gruesome crimes/slavery/injustice/racism...and so on), and this can take all of our freedoms but one, the right to choose one's attitude when facing this miserable life. I know I don't know anything about your life or others but I hope you can find meaningful purpose that can help you cross this predicaments and please don't give up.

Davros92:In fact, in my country, Brazil, I advise you to visit. We have a receptive population, although many are descendants of enslaved women (African or indigenous) who were raped by Europeans, or had children in adolescence due to lack of contraceptive methods, sexual education and could die when aborting or giving birth. There are also children unwanted by both parents who even with all the violence of an underdeveloped country survive and have children because finally there is social pressure to have a family after all retirement is for fews and without children who will take care of you? Even though Brazil has record reports of violence against the elderly and many started to consume drugs while living on the street. Positivists like to ignore these hardworking ancestors who maybe don't think very much about the future of humanity. Forget the past to fantasize about the future with minimal effort, few things are so human.

See another mess, maybe from my bad English. Positivism is not the same as optimism and nihilism is not the same as depression. It is a common mistake of those who have never studied philosophy as a science. Your statement indicates that you are heavily influenced by this 18th century philosophy and would like you to expand your scientific philosophical experience. For example, positivism was dominant in the imagination during the world wars and that's why it went into crisis. It was a plague to the United States when it was exploited by eugenicists and used by hate groups. As advice get some books on post modern philosophy it's really worth it. :)

lord_of_all_realm_:Well I agree with you, life is full of suffering (diseases/death of loved ones/gruesome crimes/slavery/injustice/racism...and so on), and this can take all of our freedoms but one, the right to choose one's attitude when facing this miserable life. I know I don't know anything about your life or others but I hope you can find meaningful purpose that can help you cross this predicaments and please don't give up.

My God, what a depressing discussion it has become here. Where are the opinions about the story?


"There are monsters that have occupied the Earth oppressing humans". All comments are about : humans are monsters oppressing other species? Isn't it wonderful when a book provokes debate and new knowledge? I know teachers who would kill for this level of philosophical discussion in the classroom.

Tyller_Yang:My God, what a depressing discussion it has become here. Where are the opinions about the story?

Thank you for the recommendation, and I also think that I'm little bit on the naïve side (even though I'm high on negative emotions, meaning I see the worst scenarios first) but when you see the pain and suffering that others go through, you tend to be grateful for what you have, and this is not positivism because I know what are capable of. When you know what hurts you, you automatically know how to hurt others, and with a little bit of creativity you can really invent some dark *hit, but as much as we capable of destruction we are also capable of creation. If you really want to know how much evil we can get, I recommend you read these books (the gulag archipelago , ordinary man, man's search for meaning) I'm sure you will be terrified by how malevolent we can get, but this is life and if you keep the victim mentality, you will just make things ten times worse. "if you look into the abyss the abyss looks back, but if you look hard enough you will see the light" Jordan B Peterson.

Davros92:See another mess, maybe from my bad English. Positivism is not the same as optimism and nihilism is not the same as depression. It is a common mistake of those who have never studied philosophy as a science. Your statement indicates that you are heavily influenced by this 18th century philosophy and would like you to expand your scientific philosophical experience. For example, positivism was dominant in the imagination during the world wars and that's why it went into crisis. It was a plague to the United States when it was exploited by eugenicists and used by hate groups. As advice get some books on post modern philosophy it's really worth it. :)

Kkkkkkkk se mata logo entao, imagina se doer por causa da sinopse de uma historia num site chines kkkkkkk, nao deve nem sair de casa, certeza que e um sozinho fudido kkkkkkkkkkk Se doeu demais, o autor da sinopse deve estar orgulhoso


Updating another comment I made. Brazil has very high rates of illiteracy, unfortunately the rates of functional illiteracy are even higher. jesuds, Thank you for your participation.

jesuds:Kkkkkkkk se mata logo entao, imagina se doer por causa da sinopse de uma historia num site chines kkkkkkk, nao deve nem sair de casa, certeza que e um sozinho fudido kkkkkkkkkkk Se doeu demais, o autor da sinopse deve estar orgulhoso

I agree with you in your view that humanity is slowly destroying the earth, and why slowly not because they care, only a few people really care, the only reason they do not fall into greed is now they know there is no place in space for them to live


Long-term there is a good chance the entire universe will suffer from heat death at least from what we currently understand. Not sure why you are singling out humanity. For that matter, animals/organisms have shown the same behavior as humans when given the chance. They will completely hunt other animals to extinction and cause all sorts of impacts to native species when introduced to areas favorable for them. Never understood people who try to separate us from animals. Yeah, we are smarter, but our actions are still fairly similar to most animals.

Davros92:No long-term human society has achieved stability. Humanity is going to be extinct, we just don't know if it's going to be suicide, by external means, or autophagic murder. Humanity just doesn't like to call risky behavior and denial of responsibility a suicide attempt.

When a human tries to justify their behavior, it's pretty rhetorical. Your argument is not wrong, just incomplete. It probably never underwent a serious overhaul, something predictable. His argument uses valid data for the 16th and 18th century, industry was at the beginning and so was chemistry. So in Short terms: It is convenient here to differentiate between humans and humanity. Humans are part of nature in the capture of resources and after returns, but when humanity captures resources for the industry: it produces plastic, pesticides and dilute toxics in the little portion of water it returns, there is only one expression for humanity: Plague. So the statement humans are animals is incomplete, the isolated human individual is an animal, together with other humans remains a potential catastrophe.

bookguy:Long-term there is a good chance the entire universe will suffer from heat death at least from what we currently understand. Not sure why you are singling out humanity. For that matter, animals/organisms have shown the same behavior as humans when given the chance. They will completely hunt other animals to extinction and cause all sorts of impacts to native species when introduced to areas favorable for them. Never understood people who try to separate us from animals. Yeah, we are smarter, but our actions are still fairly similar to most animals.

Even the already dead ancestors of humanity are a plague, if you consider that humanity sequesters resources from nature to "honor" their dead, for every baby including the unborn with diapers and disposable clothes that are manufactured in consumption estimates make humanity as a potential catastrophe.Humanity was called to attention in the last century that in the future we would be guilty of a catastrophe, I must update the statement that according to the most current studies humanity will be affected by the consequences still in the FIRST HALF OF THIS CENTURY.

bookguy:Long-term there is a good chance the entire universe will suffer from heat death at least from what we currently understand. Not sure why you are singling out humanity. For that matter, animals/organisms have shown the same behavior as humans when given the chance. They will completely hunt other animals to extinction and cause all sorts of impacts to native species when introduced to areas favorable for them. Never understood people who try to separate us from animals. Yeah, we are smarter, but our actions are still fairly similar to most animals.

Lord of all realms, let us walk with the Tang, so one day we might walk with the shaolin!

lord_of_all_realm_:My friend, don't let the sacrifices of our ancestors go waist. You should look at far we come, and remember to be grateful for what you have, and stop with the whining and ungratefulness. And if you're considering how we will go instinct, the highest probable reasons are astroids , gamma ray brusts and other horrors. With your current ideology, I fear that in the near future you say something along the lines of ( let's "purify" the world from this virus called humans)😂😂

No, I'm pretty sure you are suffering from confirmation bias. You want humanity to be seen a certain way so you seek out things that validate that while finding ways to write off things that go contrary to your arguments. Humans for all of our technical advancements aren't all the fundamentally different from animals. We can just do things on a bigger scale. That doesn't mean those other animals wouldn't turn out the exact same way as humans if they could. Plenty of examples of animals basically being a plague to local wildlife and ecosystems out there when they are transplanted for various reasons like drought, humans directly/indirectly allowing them to access new locations, temporary ability to travel due to an ice bridge or some other natural phenomena allowing them to move to an area they previously couldn't access, etc. For that matter, actual plagues the word you are using to describe humans are also caused by living things. They might be very small things but they 100% meet the definitions for life.

Davros92:Even the already dead ancestors of humanity are a plague, if you consider that humanity sequesters resources from nature to "honor" their dead, for every baby including the unborn with diapers and disposable clothes that are manufactured in consumption estimates make humanity as a potential catastrophe.Humanity was called to attention in the last century that in the future we would be guilty of a catastrophe, I must update the statement that according to the most current studies humanity will be affected by the consequences still in the FIRST HALF OF THIS CENTURY.

You are saying that things are getting worse and worse, and I understand where you're coming from, our brains is simply built with greater sensitivity to unpleasant news and this have an evolutionary advantages, but right now unfortunately negativity bias is leveraged by the media to increase profits and to gather more audiences. In the 1960's scientists were absolutely sure that we are going to parish of starvation by the year 2000, now 2022 we are suffering from obesity even though we doubled our population and that's because our agriculture has become more advanced and we started to use less land to produce more food, now we have more trees than we did 100 years ago, homicide rate have fallen, absolute poverty is declining (in the 60's it was 60% now it's 10%), there is a rise in IQ, life expectancy is rising, child mortality is down and also death in childbirth is rare, literacy is up, solar energy is getting cheeper, and as our technology advances things are getting better so fast like no time in history. When I read your comments the only term that I can describe you with is "ideologically possessed" some ideas work just like parasites where they make their host act in a way that is damaging to themselves and I seriously want to help you, so I advice you to read (The parasitic mind) .

Davros92:Even the already dead ancestors of humanity are a plague, if you consider that humanity sequesters resources from nature to "honor" their dead, for every baby including the unborn with diapers and disposable clothes that are manufactured in consumption estimates make humanity as a potential catastrophe.Humanity was called to attention in the last century that in the future we would be guilty of a catastrophe, I must update the statement that according to the most current studies humanity will be affected by the consequences still in the FIRST HALF OF THIS CENTURY.

I pray my mind to be good to me.

man_of_culture3030:Lord of all realms, let us walk with the Tang, so one day we might walk with the shaolin!

I- how did we get from martial arts to this??? I feel dizzy just from reading all the replies