
Review Detail of Aescwine in How My Life Was Ruined

Details zur Rezension


Hello everyone. It's me, your friendly author! The first volume of the series has been completed and the second volume is already underway. If you are reading this story and enjoying it, I am really glad. So, I would like to treat this review as a Q&A area. If you have any queries, suggestions or if you have noticed any mistakes then please tell me without hesitation!

How My Life Was Ruined


Beliebt bei 8 Personen




Yo auther! I though I might as well bring it up as you said your up for any suggestions, i noticed that you don’t have a lot of tags on the novel (when I say not a lot I mean not 10😙) although some people say it’s not important and they might be right, you might as well add a tags like #academy or #mystery, sorry for the trouble.