
Review Detail of IDontUnderstand0_0 in Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

Details zur Rezension


This story can be more attractive after being rewritten. You just need to work on grammars and you don't need a perfect one now but at least made the point clear to avoid confusion. Also, you need to work on PoV more, it just doesn't feel right since it feels like PoVs are getting cut when it just started, you need to make them a bit longer at least to not make it like that. My suggestion is try to read how other authors do their PoVs in their characters(try some chapters of epic of Leviathan 'marvel arc' since it has a lot of PoVs), second is avoid using dots at the end of every PoVs, no, avoid using it when its not needed and try others like exclamation or question marks since dots are just ruining this novel more. This novel is although isn't the best but it's okay for reading if you don't have anything to do or can't find anything to read, but of course it's just base on me though I'm sure others would still like it, so yeah do try my suggestion if you want. Don't trust my review much as I'm only at chapter9 The stars, it's just there as a light bulb to cheer the author, don't mind that.

Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU


Liked it!




Chapter10, lost his Arm against the Phoenix? Hehe this is really interesting! Metal bat is such a broken character if you use him that way and this kind of nerf is well received for me lol at least when he got the chance to fight hulk, he will have more challenge, well not like he can win but let's just wait for things to happen cuz maybe he will get more buff than nerf after this(nah he already received more buff but maybe will get more after recovering).