
Review Detail of Big_T_Big_H in Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Details zur Rezension


I understand the need to have struggles for the mc but making him fail his cleaving his meridians after making one way for him to do it is crazy! Author makes mc struggle to much just to get one powerup. It makes you think that no matter what happens in the story with his talent he’l always be beneath what he should already be Other than the part about the mc having to struggle with every breath and no break the novel is fine. World building is great!

Grand Ancestral Bloodlines


Beliebt bei 4 Personen




Don t put the book down and it s very good, it only improves after it recovers all its cultivation and shoots later so keep going you won t regret it!

Big_T_Big_H:Ughh Im no where near caught up but I want to drop this book now. He got over his false foundation just to lose all the progress gained by trying to advance a realm 🤦🏿‍♂️ what a drag now it’s going to be more annoying struggles to fill out what he has left bef trying to recover his foundation again

Ughh Im no where near caught up but I want to drop this book now. He got over his false foundation just to lose all the progress gained by trying to advance a realm 🤦🏿‍♂️ what a drag now it’s going to be more annoying struggles to fill out what he has left bef trying to recover his foundation again


Around what chapter does he recover his cultivation?

DaoistQbcj2U:Don t put the book down and it s very good, it only improves after it recovers all its cultivation and shoots later so keep going you won t regret it!

a few chapters after he failed his Spirit Severing, he got the idea to skip the spirit severing stage and enter the Divine Body realm, and guess what, that was the goal the entire time for those who have the chaotic silk meridians (even more so for those who lost their connection with heavens because of the failed severing)

Bean_Dude:Around what chapter does he recover his cultivation?

ye, sure fake id of author

DaoistQbcj2U:Don t put the book down and it s very good, it only improves after it recovers all its cultivation and shoots later so keep going you won t regret it!