
Review Detail of I_Mstrbte_to_Hntai in Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

Details zur Rezension


First things first, grammar is terrible, dont know what hes trying to say most of the time, who is saying it, and in what perspective or in what aspect. Obviously its hard to actually read and understand the story if your confused on what your reading. Second, the story is average, but the pacing and plot seems very forced at times, especially at the beginning where your barely even processing what's going on. Third and hopefully the last, ther is little to no description on the backstory of the character aside from the hologram he got from his father or whatever, and in the first place to understand the main character he needs to have character, which he doesn't, instead of fleshing the mc out a bit more, he's just forced straight into a random situation that decides his possible future without any context.

Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.


Beliebt bei 4 Personen

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