
Review Detail of Mathdebate in The Ruined Death Knight

Details zur Rezension


Starts off great besides some weird grammar mistakes, his reason for his hatred for humanity is questionable but if you close your eyes, tilt your head and squint a little it kinda makes sense? BUT The author starts going on a path where it slowly and slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable to read. Attacks and kills some party of noble kids trying to get his best friends sword back? Sure! Yea go for it. Attacks and slaughters a garrison full of men where the author goes into great detail about an underdog character with a great character and an unborn child with a loving wife at home? Sure...? lil weird but go for it. Attacks and slaughters a slave caravan that was attacking a village? Yeaaa!!! No problems here- wait your slaughtering the villagers too? Innocent woman abt the be r-ped? Kill her! Slaves chained in a wagon? Kill them all!, 3 dark elves with an older sister and 2 younger twins that the older sisters very protective over? Kill her- wait but plot armour says you cant because of a curse on them... Cripple the older sister! The plot continues on like this becoming darker and darker and not even an enjoyable dark. Unless you are mentally unhinged, I don't really see the appeal in reading a story that humanizes the victims before killing them only to try and portray the main character as some sort of human happy mind with positive innuendoes in his self-dialogue. TLDR: This is like the NTR category of anti-hero where it's not even anti-hero and more sociopath.

The Ruined Death Knight


Beliebt bei 66 Personen




If the author ran with the whole "Bc he's undead he hates living things" trope from the start, maybe it would have fit better. But the problem is the author decided to make him an ordinary dude (band player or whatever) and because he died to some terrorists in the final moments of his life, the author twists it to become the sole reason he hates humanity with a passion. Like it's just sloppy writing at this point, he could have written it as maybe a celebrity getting unfairly ostracized in his career by the general public and because of that gets dragged through the mud for years before taking his own life, or a world-class researcher who was helping fight a super virus for the world, only to meet his unjust end through greedy politicians who twist the narrative into having the general public hate him, dying in his last moments hating the very people he tried to save who didn't even bother to look deeper into the politicians lies, etc. But I digress, anyway the point I'm trying to make is such instances of weird twisted logic in the story break the immersion and ruin the quality of the story. TLDR: Fire breathing dragon is cool and makes sense but "because a man died of overly hot, hot sauce causing him to breath fire as a dragon in his next life" is just kinda weird. For your second point about how because he is an undead now and feels no empathy etc, that's a cool and nice genre and I'd love to see more but the problem with this one is the author has a fetish for humanizing the victims that just make this story too much for me, I already went over this in my first review and i'm not saying he should become the protector of a village, or save every tom dick and harry he comes across, the author just goes TOO far in the opposite direction. You could argue maybe some people like reading about him killing random humans he comes across and i'd say fine I guess that's ok, but humanizing every person is too much. It's like having a documentary play about cruel chicken farming conditions and the suffering they go through in their poor 3-month life just as your trying to eat some goddam fried chicken. There are more points I could make but this comments getting a bit too long. TLDR: There are plenty of ways to make the MC kill humans but the morals and logic here kinda scuffed. It's like reading a war novel where the authors trying to have you root for the Germans in WWII where they get oddly specific on each atrocity committed making this kinda the NTR of Undead category, just TOO far for me. *But some might like it ._.

Intuition_0070:I think you didn't like the fact that he is an UNDEAD who naturally HATE living beings. there is no logic in his hate because he is simply a undead and as such hate life. This is why he has no empathy for them, he can only be curious about. He doesn't spare them because by killing them he become stronger, and since as a undead he isn't restrain by moral or principle he just take the most efficient path to power for him by killing, because he is a MONSTER. Personnaly I prefer this way, I'm not fan of humanised monster. BUT, I agree with you about the human guard view point part of the story. I don't see the use behind it for now.

Forgot to mention this in my review but later on, with the weirdly specified garrison soldier, the author writes about how his unborn daughter was born and the wife dies in childbirth not knowing the husband's dead too so I don't know why the author really writes abt it? It's like reading this is like watching someone cuck your wife is the sort of feeling the story gives off. Stopped reading around where he kills all the slaves, I'm not into being cucked.


thanks for the info, I'm not going to read it

Mathdebate:Forgot to mention this in my review but later on, with the weirdly specified garrison soldier, the author writes about how his unborn daughter was born and the wife dies in childbirth not knowing the husband's dead too so I don't know why the author really writes abt it? It's like reading this is like watching someone cuck your wife is the sort of feeling the story gives off. Stopped reading around where he kills all the slaves, I'm not into being cucked.

I think you didn't like the fact that he is an UNDEAD who naturally HATE living beings. there is no logic in his hate because he is simply a undead and as such hate life. This is why he has no empathy for them, he can only be curious about. He doesn't spare them because by killing them he become stronger, and since as a undead he isn't restrain by moral or principle he just take the most efficient path to power for him by killing, because he is a MONSTER. Personnaly I prefer this way, I'm not fan of humanised monster. BUT, I agree with you about the human guard view point part of the story. I don't see the use behind it for now.

Mathdebate:Forgot to mention this in my review but later on, with the weirdly specified garrison soldier, the author writes about how his unborn daughter was born and the wife dies in childbirth not knowing the husband's dead too so I don't know why the author really writes abt it? It's like reading this is like watching someone cuck your wife is the sort of feeling the story gives off. Stopped reading around where he kills all the slaves, I'm not into being cucked.

Wow, good job. You just made me want to read this.


Whatever floats your boat ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

TheOnlyKing:Wow, good job. You just made me want to read this.

Yep I Am Definitely Gonna Read I Love This Kind Of Stories


Thank you man, all the things u think are wrong are what making me read the story even more😂its better than all the other non human stories where they turn human again in 2 chaps


Thanks for putting my thoughts into words, sadly I didn't see this review until I also got to the slaver part. Feel like the synopsis tricked me... its only a path of ruination nothing else


Thaks for the heads up. You just saved me from wasting my time to start to read this to just have to drop it later.


Great. Thanks for letting us know that is really a dark mc novel and not a fake one.


Thx for the review I understand the concept a little and will definitely read it cause I'm tired of heroic type mc's.


sounds interesting, I'll test the waters


Почему я раньше не прочитал ваш обзор? Сэкономил бы время и нервы...


I won't read but yeah what's with all mcs becoming human in like 5 chaps

Ball_Shaving_Gu:Thank you man, all the things u think are wrong are what making me read the story even more😂its better than all the other non human stories where they turn human again in 2 chaps

Author bait people into reading their novels by using the non human trope because a lot of people are looking for it, and then switch. I find it disgusting honestly.

Siminala:I won't read but yeah what's with all mcs becoming human in like 5 chaps

What the fqk


Dude, I read through your comments three times with a smile on my face. It felt like I could hear you say it like you were right besides me. Your humor is king🔥


you've sold me to this novel lol


I thank you for the review I'm fapping happy that you review about the novel not ,outright compliant you don't like because you felt like it so you don't like.


fapping *really

Frizepize:I thank you for the review I'm fapping happy that you review about the novel not ,outright compliant you don't like because you felt like it so you don't like.