
Review Detail of Laevateins in an In n In wa hi

Details zur Rezension


I think this book has a lot of potential. The concept is amazing, and I am really interested to see how the story progresses. The world background is really well done and the descriptive writing is also amazing at some points. A couple things that I personally didn't enjoy: -The dialogue style isn't the type I really enjoy reading, for me it ruins the flow when you write it like its a script, but that's just a personal issue. -The amount of info it dumps in the beginning can be a bit overwhelming, another personal thing. Don't let the small and nit-picky problems discourage from reading this novel. It has a lot of potential and I am going to continue reading as I am excited for its development. Keep going author you are doing great!

an In n In wa hi


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




thank you so very much 😭🤧 I shall do my best