
Review Detail of _Rain in Hemmingston

Details zur Rezension


I had fun reading this, and I could totally relate to the fl. You have a good storyline and I'm looking forward to read more. ps: for writer's block, try doing anything apart from books.(maybe that could help, taking your own sweet time helps a lot) I have tried watching something new or music. I wouldn't say I'm fully over it but I am hanging on.



Beliebt bei 1 Personen




Thank you! This is my first time seriously writing in around four or five years. I used to be a Fanfiction Writer before hand.


Haha.. don't worry!! you will improve as you write more!! Fighting! ❤️

Nakasuka:Thank you! This is my first time seriously writing in around four or five years. I used to be a Fanfiction Writer before hand.