
Review Detail of FanfictionLover in Warhammer System in Marvel

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MC's a psycho who kills anyone simply for his own pleasure. So... No. I know that a lot of people here have long been corrupted by various fanfics or novels and think that being a psycho, feeling no guilt when reading a very "intense" gory scene is a very cool thing. Because I do too. This is fiction and it has nothing to do with real life, so... yeah. Maybe if the person that the MC had killed was actually a criminal with numerous criminal cases that could put him as "evil", then I too wouldn't mind even if that said person is killed by the MC, but you see... He's not. It's a civilian. An innocent. At least when I read it, the MC said something like this... "This is dangerous, even though I know how fun it is to kill someone, this is just dangerous". Not the exact sentence, but you get the point. He killed someone for fun. I'm not weak-hearted or anything, heck I don't care how some brats want to name after me after posting this review just because I dislike a story where an MC kills anyone, including innocents for fun. So to short things up, if you don't like MC's that kills anyone for their own pleasure and read the same story along with some idiots who thinks that Psychos are cool even if they kill innocents, then it might not be for you.

Warhammer System in Marvel


Beliebt bei 90 Personen




Your profile picture is literally a psycho serial killer. kinda hypocritical


I decided to delete all the replies to this review because everybody started to argue about the morality of my main character and it got quite toxic at times. FanfictionLover is simply pointing out that he doesn't like my evil main character, no need to start a war over it.


You dead?

BillNyeThePGGuy:I decided to delete all the replies to this review because everybody started to argue about the morality of my main character and it got quite toxic at times. FanfictionLover is simply pointing out that he doesn't like my evil main character, no need to start a war over it.

Hey Bill! You still alive?

BillNyeThePGGuy:I decided to delete all the replies to this review because everybody started to argue about the morality of my main character and it got quite toxic at times. FanfictionLover is simply pointing out that he doesn't like my evil main character, no need to start a war over it.


Bill you dead

BillNyeThePGGuy:I decided to delete all the replies to this review because everybody started to argue about the morality of my main character and it got quite toxic at times. FanfictionLover is simply pointing out that he doesn't like my evil main character, no need to start a war over it.