
Review Detail of Joshua_Hauner in Children of Deurom

Details zur Rezension


It's an excellent story. It's probably a bit premature to rank the update consistency yet, as this review is done with only five chapters out. However, the chapters are exceptionally long by webnovel standards. With over 3000 words per chapter, each one is roughly equivalent to three chapters that I'm used to on this site. That is to say, the initial release was essentially 15 chapters with a promise of more to come. Personally, I really enjoy the dialogue. I find it very realistic for the age group, with an appropriate balance of comedy and seriousness. Although I'm not certain what will happen, there appears to be a lot of foreshadowing and world building, which I very much enjoy. The subtle hints about the MC's powers before they manifested were really well placed. All in all, I hope this story picks up more traction so that the author will publish more.

Children of Deurom


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