
Review Detail of LightningCatThief in I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

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Now let's actually take a look at this novel. It might be the best this week, but it is actually not worth reading. First, MC is probably a former human serial killer. His modus operandi is to kill first before thinking. One month as a unmoving statue might have caused irreversible psychological damage. His lack of foresight and planning make this novel a lot worse than it could have been. Mc is a sociopath from the beginning. Second, the system, is way to OP for this world. It hasn't even been a week and the MC can slaughter entire cities for fun, no way something like this could have been hidden if it would happen more often. Third, the reactions of the specialists. No way those people have actually received any education or training. They are more like the police before the 18 hundreds. They have no technology or skill, instead depend on nebulous experience and questioning witnesses. Maybe they are overly reliant on their abilities and despice normal humans. No way the would take orders from

I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

Laughter and Joy

Beliebt bei 50 Personen




I agree, the book just feels empty. The MC is OP and all, but there isn't much of an concrete objective. Just getting stronger. In addition, the interactions between the characters aren't that interesting in my opinion, and are somewhat exaggerated. There isn't any build up of emotions either. All the reader see and imagine is a scarecrow killing people left and right and the reactions of the people who see that scene, repeating and repeating. Though, if compared to the other trial read novels, it can be considered pretty good. But then again, the standards are quite low.


With what u said, it sounds better than most translated novels


Although what you said does have some truly noteworthy points, I just can't but disagree with you on others . First off, even though there is no evidence he was a serial killer, though it is most likely true, it also is not outside the scope of reasoning that the system has warp him mentally to be what it wants ( i.e the demon of fear ), that said he is a psychopath but considering he is in another world, constantly facing the threat of death and no longer human... Secondly, understanding that he is not currently in a healthy head space, whether by his nature or the system's nuturing, it is only natural that he isn't the best planner or that he makes the wisest decisions. After all, no one can promise to make the best choices in every given situation when the life is constantly under threat especially when you start out as weak as he did. And as for his power level and scaling I can only say that it isn't the power itself that makes him frightening but the use of it. For example, he currently doesn't have much more lethality than a middle aged man with a knife or a teen with a gun, after all his only real attacks are just those slashing with a knife or pecking with birds. But conversely, he is dangerous the same way a serial killer is dangerous, not because he is the strongest or most powerful but because he knows his victims and he knows what frightens them. This and the fact that mage association is wholly unprepared for a highly intelligent anomaly are what give him an advantage, because truthfully if ever he dares slaughter people in public or tries to start a massacre he will most definitely die within the hour. But as you accurately said, it is left to be seen if the story gets better or rolls downhill from here. Best wishes.


And as for the mage teams, I totally agree with you, even though I understand that seeing as every anomaly is supposed to be unique and they can only go with their experience and a vague power level it does explain why they are that way, with each new case they are inventing a new investigative method. All said they do seem overly reliant on their experience and intuition, offhandedly disregarding sound evidence.😄


You made some good points. The system could have warped him and he is probably in a bad state of mind, but according to the book he has already spent a month as a statue that can only use its mouth, which at least in my opinion is enough time to start to deal at least a little. I know that a month doesn't sound like much, but a month we're you can't do anything else but think, because actually talking would get you killed, is a very long time to imagine a lot of eventualities. So the warping of the system should have been noticeable, if the system didn't prevent it from being noticed. If that had happened then there is no way to find out. I just can't figure that one out. Additional the MC is way more dangerous than you think, he managed to bisect multiple adults in a single attack with a level 1 ability the second time he even encounters humans. You avarage serial killer just can't do that and this is before the MC upgrades the same ability at least 2 times. His strength was also really weak at that time, so I can only assume that the resistance was almost nonexistent when he cut through flesh and bone. Now that the MC and the ability are stronger he should be able to go trough almost anything, except maybe thick plates of metal or concrete. Thank you for engaging in this discussion with me.

Nonexistent_man:Although what you said does have some truly noteworthy points, I just can't but disagree with you on others . First off, even though there is no evidence he was a serial killer, though it is most likely true, it also is not outside the scope of reasoning that the system has warp him mentally to be what it wants ( i.e the demon of fear ), that said he is a psychopath but considering he is in another world, constantly facing the threat of death and no longer human... Secondly, understanding that he is not currently in a healthy head space, whether by his nature or the system's nuturing, it is only natural that he isn't the best planner or that he makes the wisest decisions. After all, no one can promise to make the best choices in every given situation when the life is constantly under threat especially when you start out as weak as he did. And as for his power level and scaling I can only say that it isn't the power itself that makes him frightening but the use of it. For example, he currently doesn't have much more lethality than a middle aged man with a knife or a teen with a gun, after all his only real attacks are just those slashing with a knife or pecking with birds. But conversely, he is dangerous the same way a serial killer is dangerous, not because he is the strongest or most powerful but because he knows his victims and he knows what frightens them. This and the fact that mage association is wholly unprepared for a highly intelligent anomaly are what give him an advantage, because truthfully if ever he dares slaughter people in public or tries to start a massacre he will most definitely die within the hour. But as you accurately said, it is left to be seen if the story gets better or rolls downhill from here. Best wishes.

actually a sane man would really turn crazy if he is stayed in a single spot for a whole month plus he doesn't have someone to talk also (ahem sorry for my grammatical errors lol)

Nonexistent_man:Although what you said does have some truly noteworthy points, I just can't but disagree with you on others . First off, even though there is no evidence he was a serial killer, though it is most likely true, it also is not outside the scope of reasoning that the system has warp him mentally to be what it wants ( i.e the demon of fear ), that said he is a psychopath but considering he is in another world, constantly facing the threat of death and no longer human... Secondly, understanding that he is not currently in a healthy head space, whether by his nature or the system's nuturing, it is only natural that he isn't the best planner or that he makes the wisest decisions. After all, no one can promise to make the best choices in every given situation when the life is constantly under threat especially when you start out as weak as he did. And as for his power level and scaling I can only say that it isn't the power itself that makes him frightening but the use of it. For example, he currently doesn't have much more lethality than a middle aged man with a knife or a teen with a gun, after all his only real attacks are just those slashing with a knife or pecking with birds. But conversely, he is dangerous the same way a serial killer is dangerous, not because he is the strongest or most powerful but because he knows his victims and he knows what frightens them. This and the fact that mage association is wholly unprepared for a highly intelligent anomaly are what give him an advantage, because truthfully if ever he dares slaughter people in public or tries to start a massacre he will most definitely die within the hour. But as you accurately said, it is left to be seen if the story gets better or rolls downhill from here. Best wishes.

I felt something was off now Ive read the reviews I see good premise but things take a huge downturn at 41

Once_Upon_A_Time:I agree, the book just feels empty. The MC is OP and all, but there isn't much of an concrete objective. Just getting stronger. In addition, the interactions between the characters aren't that interesting in my opinion, and are somewhat exaggerated. There isn't any build up of emotions either. All the reader see and imagine is a scarecrow killing people left and right and the reactions of the people who see that scene, repeating and repeating. Though, if compared to the other trial read novels, it can be considered pretty good. But then again, the standards are quite low.

nah if the system affected him, the author should have mentioned. his behaviour with d drunk man showing his a serial killer. especially with his gf

Nonexistent_man:Although what you said does have some truly noteworthy points, I just can't but disagree with you on others . First off, even though there is no evidence he was a serial killer, though it is most likely true, it also is not outside the scope of reasoning that the system has warp him mentally to be what it wants ( i.e the demon of fear ), that said he is a psychopath but considering he is in another world, constantly facing the threat of death and no longer human... Secondly, understanding that he is not currently in a healthy head space, whether by his nature or the system's nuturing, it is only natural that he isn't the best planner or that he makes the wisest decisions. After all, no one can promise to make the best choices in every given situation when the life is constantly under threat especially when you start out as weak as he did. And as for his power level and scaling I can only say that it isn't the power itself that makes him frightening but the use of it. For example, he currently doesn't have much more lethality than a middle aged man with a knife or a teen with a gun, after all his only real attacks are just those slashing with a knife or pecking with birds. But conversely, he is dangerous the same way a serial killer is dangerous, not because he is the strongest or most powerful but because he knows his victims and he knows what frightens them. This and the fact that mage association is wholly unprepared for a highly intelligent anomaly are what give him an advantage, because truthfully if ever he dares slaughter people in public or tries to start a massacre he will most definitely die within the hour. But as you accurately said, it is left to be seen if the story gets better or rolls downhill from here. Best wishes.