
Review Detail of Luke_Davidson_6823 in Dreamland Adventure

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Honestly, the concept was good and everything until it developed into different girls being sent into the dreamworld with him. The 1st dreamland was my favourite but after that it just changed into something like a harem. The concept was great and could’ve been developed in a more fantasy based way instead of the way they did it which was a more scientific approach. I would’ve loved it more if it went the approach of at night in his sleep he logs into a fantasy world and gains skills and experiences where he can then use it in the real world and during the day he starts a business or some better way to gain money and the rewards for clearing a a quest or mission seemed too minuscule compared to the things he does in the dreamland, could’ve been awarded money along with one skill but no matter what mission stage he completes in the dreamland he only gains 1 skill which he should’ve already had from those dreamland experiences, he got endurance after he finished 2 dreamlands that showed he had great endurance in the way he hunted beasts and that was it. He legit saved humanity in both dreamlands and only got hurling and endurance. Too little for too much. This could’ve been done in a way where whatever what he did should be made into a skill for example. If he practiced shooting in the dreamland, the skill sharpshooter should be created and if he used a knife, a skill with knives should’ve been made. He hunted wolves and got nothing but hurling out of it. He hunted what I can only imagine were hundreds of beasts and robots but only got endurance. He made 2 “Region rulers” die and he got nothing but the endurance skill. Then let’s talk about the approach where they literally brought in something they shouldn’t have which was the “developer” of the dreamland being a scientist who warns him of something and took the fantasy part out of this story. Anyway all in all this had good potential but now it’s just one of those forgettable stories that I won’t be wasting anymore time.

Dreamland Adventure

Webnovel Comics

Beliebt bei 2 Personen




So it ended ?