
Review Detail of UnsympatheticMoron in Sign in Shadow Clone

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For a fanfiction, and one on Webnovel at that, it is surprisingly well-written. The author has a lot of talent in encapsulating certain raw emotions into text. The number of chapters and the lack of any updates is disheartening. I hope this review can ignite the inspiration of the Author to produce more of this good work. A few points I'd like to note as I read. 1. There is a problem with length. The Chapters ought to be longer and there is a need for exposition, over timeskips, especially at the beginning. One advice I'd give is to flesh out the characters, be it the protagonist or the other characters. What is the reason the Protagonist has for waking up or doing the things they do. Accentuate their behaviours and traits. 2. The author needs to watch out for plot holes. I'm sure they have a good idea of where they want the story to go, but building the road to that destination comes with a few problems. How did Danzo know? From what we have seen, Danzo only takes in those with extreme talent and not the ones who have no visible talents. It seems very contrived. 3. There was a touching scene, with the purchasing of flowers for the deceased mother of the protagonist and that moment of emotional vulnerability could have been explored further. Ruining certain key moments that define the philosophies of the characters in a scene is detrimental to future character development. Compared to around 95% of the fanfics and novels I've read, this certainly is much better in terms of premise, plot, dialogue, storyline, rhythm, etc. I would love to see more.

Sign in Shadow Clone


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